Gas Guzzler Tax on Pick Ups and SUV's?

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Mar 17, 2008
I saw that the top selling vehicles were both pick ups at over 400,000 units each. They were the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado.

Many people do not need pick ups or big SUV's but choose to drive them. Maybe a gas guzzler tax would be a good answer to get them to think more economically.

**Then take the tax collected and put it into an alternative energy fund for research and development.
That would be a chuck wagon bell ringing for the promotion of MORE trucks being built
Originally Posted By: ZZman
I saw that the top selling vehicles were both pick ups at over 400,000 units each. They were the Ford F-150 and Chevy Silverado.

Many people do not need pick ups or big SUV's but choose to drive them. Maybe a gas guzzler tax would be a good answer to get them to think more economically.

**Then take the tax collected and put it into an alternative energy fund for research and development.

pickups are by necessity big and heavy. they 'used' to be economical workhorses, but lately it's very hard to find bare bones, basic worktrucks. seems everything is $26K and up.
everything else needs to be smaller, starting w/ the big3. make them the medium or small3.
R&D is already done and known. they all KNOW how to make more efficient transportation, but until someone realizes how to make a profit at it, it isn't going to get done.
the last thing we need is government telling us through taxes what we should do or how we should think.

think of the thousands of small businesses and farmers etc that us pickups, cargo vans, family's that have more than one kid.

when you tax something there are unintended consequences.

sure tax gas guzzlers, i will buy a cargo van for my work, then i will come over to fix your furnace or air conditioner and charge you a bunch of money to do it.

the last thing we need is more taxes, the last thing we need as Americans is government telling us what to do or how to think!

Wasn't that why our country was founded in the first place?

First, do not pretend to know what I need, vehicle wise.

Secondly, and just as importantly, I hope you mean ANY vehicle that gets less than 22-23 mpg combined. Better yet, since you are in a "tax 'em 'til they toe the line" mode, why not tax ANY vehicle getting less than 20 mpg city and 27 mpg highway?

Let's start with the much over-rated mini-vans, shall we?
Get ready folks. Between "carbon based" fees and taxes that need to be collected for roads and new "clean" energy a gas guzzler tax will be the least of our problems.

In another thread, this is what I was talking about. These fees and taxes WILL take fuel past $5 a gallon.

And electric power *WILL* cost a ton more.

Hold on....

Here comes "change"
dkryan: O.K....lets do vans too.....:) And by the way, what do you really need? Or is that a want?

Americans are many times stubborn and need a boot to the *** to get moving. We need to think of more than just ourselves. Many people do need big vehicles, but a huge portion do not.

Government at times needs to get involved for the common good of all. That is why we have laws, taxes, environmental laws etc...
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Many people do not need pick ups or big SUV's but choose to drive them. Maybe a gas guzzler tax would be a good answer to get them to think more economically.

Many people do not need chocolate bars or potato chips but choose to eat them. Maybe an obesity tax would be a good answer to get them to eat more healthily.

Many people do not need [insert behavior you want to engineer] but choose [do something I don't do]. Maybe a [insert government penalty designed by the people who know best for everyone] would be a good answer to get them to think [correctly].
Originally Posted By: Bill in Utah
Get ready folks. Between "carbon based" fees and taxes that need to be collected for roads and new "clean" energy a gas guzzler tax will be the least of our problems.

In another thread, this is what I was talking about. These fees and taxes WILL take fuel past $5 a gallon.

And electric power *WILL* cost a ton more.

Hold on....

Here comes "change"

I gotta agree Bill.

Why do we even need the gas guzzler tax on any vehicle. If they use more fuel doesn't that mean they are paying more taxes at the pump. Enough with the taxes, fees and carbon [censored] for no good reason.
You guys got more things to worry about than a gas guzzling tax, the huge amount of people on unemployment in this country. their 6 month benefits are running out, states are going to ask the Fed govt for a bailout to keep their unemployment benefits going! aka, raise taxes or redistribute wealth
Jim 5: I like your thinking. Think of all the possibilities!

The obesity tax could go into a health care fund to cover heart disease and diabetes.
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Pretty dumb. Better to make registration of a 2nd car a freebie... make the road fees revenue neutral with a couple cents more per gallon. Make commuter cars a more economically sensible approach saving the big hauler for weekend duty.

Bet they'd exempt anything over 8500 lb GVWR anyway, making hummers etc untaxed and of course raising the bar ever higher.

You are confusing "big vehicles" and "poor mpg." Granted, not all big vehicles have stellar mpg numbers, but I submit neither do a large number of cars and mini-vans being driven on the roads today.

As Jim5 somewhat eluded to, taxing or banning SUVS and pickup trucks is just another "I feel good about myself 'cause we're doing something someone decided is best for all of us." You know, politically correct."

If I want to pay $24 or $60 to fill the gasoline tank of my wife's Highlander, I'll do so, thank you. And no, I'm not wasting "your fuel." I paid for it.

Besides, if we're going to save the world by banning or over-taxing SUV and pickup owners, let's go all out, shall we? Let's have a newly formed government department visit each and every building in America (yep, your house, too) and demand the owners replace the inefficient windows and doors, demand they add insulation, demand use of CFL lighting, demand programmable thermostats, etc.

Your tax bill will rise accordingly with your failure to "join the team" and come into compliance in those cited areas.

There. Don't we all feel better?
Since gasoline is taxed, and it's taxed by the gallon, don't poor gas mileage vehicles ALREADY pay more fuel taxes than the rest of the populace?
Why would you want to give the government money? Haven't you seen how they never have enough and waste what they get?
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