Fram Tough Guard 7317 cut open

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Feb 23, 2007
Grand Rapids, MI
I was pleasantly surprised when I cut this open. I only ran it for about 2 months/3k miles because I was slightly worried about using a non-recommended size and also a Fram on my car. After seeing this, I would have no hesitations what-so-ever in running another on my vehicle for a longer time period. Pleats were uniform, and in great condition. The endcaps gave me no reason to be concerned. They didn't feel flimsy and they weren't bent out of shape in any way. ADBV was working fine and everything appeared to be constructed well. The can was very thick, too. The best part, I got it for only 50 cents and I have 4 left.


Originally Posted By: Troy_Built
all frams are not bad at all. that one looks great!

50 cents? wow!!!!!!

I forgot to mention that I got a bunch of Extended Guards for 50 cents as well.
How does the bypass construction look? I've heard bad things about the bypass construction. I can't make out the bypass in the pics or is this a model that doesn't have one?
It has a bypass with a 4-prong style. It has a screen over it as well for added protection on cold starts. I personally believe the screen is a bit of a gimmick, because if you have things that big going through your engine you likely have bigger troubles than a filter is going to cure. If you'd like, I can try to take a closer picture of it tomorrow.

Here is a link to a pic of a cut-away Tough Guard showing the bypass:

And another pic (on the right):
Originally Posted By: ThirdeYe
It has a bypass with a 4-prong style. It has a screen over it as well for added protection on cold starts. I personally believe the screen is a bit of a gimmick, because if you have things that big going through your engine you likely have bigger troubles than a filter is going to cure. If you'd like, I can try to take a closer picture of it tomorrow.

Here is a link to a pic of a cut-away Tough Guard showing the bypass:

And another pic (on the right):

Hey thanks. When I said I heard bad things about the Fram bypass, I was mostly thinking of the extraguard. I have a tendency to throw them in together either forgetting they may be different, or at least not specifing which filter line I meant.

I agree with you that the screen seems like a gimmick also because the oil pickup has a screen or at least most engine should have. So I guess unless maybe if a junk of metal from your oil pump comes off and should go through the filter bypass it won't end up getting to somewhere else in your engine. That might be good, but other than that I can't see it being that useful, because like you said you would already have bigger engine problems. If that was likely it seems more bypasses would have a screen to protect from this. Hmm, a bypass screen, maybe they are on to something lol.

Yeah a good up close pic of the bypass would be good. I couldn't really make out much of it in the links.
I'd buy and use one IF the cost were 50 cents, and I've used them before with no worries for 5k OCI. The last filter I cut open was a Honda A-02 with a ~6k OCI, with the exception of the screen on bypass, and gasket design, they are very similar. It too looked good.

That said, the everday price of the TG (and A-02) is the same or > a Pure One so, no need to settle for the cardboard endcap construction.

But hey, for 50 cents (amazing deal) or even $2.50 like the popular ST #7317, I'd use it. Thanks for the pics.
Originally Posted By: sangyup81
How did you get it for 50 cents???

Yeah? Inquiring minds want to know...

Was wondering why nobody asked that before..
Originally Posted By: sayjac
I'd buy and use one IF the cost were 50 cents, and I've used them before with no worries for 5k OCI. The last filter I cut open was a Honda A-02 with a ~6k OCI, with the exception of the screen on bypass, and gasket design, they are very similar. It too looked good.

That said, the everday price of the TG (and A-02) is the same or > a Pure One so, no need to settle for the cardboard endcap construction.

But hey, for 50 cents (amazing deal) or even $2.50 like the popular ST #7317, I'd use it. Thanks for the pics.

I completely agree with you.

In regards to the 50 cent price, I got them at a retail thrift outlet that Meijer uses to sell their discontinued/low volume items or items they just want to clearance off. I would've grabbed even more but I wanted to be considerate to other potential oil and oil filter stashers.
I would've grabbed even more but I wanted to be considerate to other potential oil and oil filter stashers

Wow, a considerate stasher..
Originally Posted By: sayjac
I'd buy and use one IF the cost were 50 cents, and I've used them before with no worries for 5k OCI. The last filter I cut open was a Honda A-02 with a ~6k OCI, with the exception of the screen on bypass, and gasket design, they are very similar. It too looked good.

That said, the everday price of the TG (and A-02) is the same or > a Pure One so, no need to settle for the cardboard endcap construction.

But hey, for 50 cents (amazing deal) or even $2.50 like the popular ST #7317, I'd use it. Thanks for the pics.

Originally Posted By: mechanicx
Originally Posted By: ThirdeYe
It has a bypass with a 4-prong style. It has a screen over it as well for added protection on cold starts. I personally believe the screen is a bit of a gimmick, because if you have things that big going through your engine you likely have bigger troubles than a filter is going to cure. If you'd like, I can try to take a closer picture of it tomorrow.

Here is a link to a pic of a cut-away Tough Guard showing the bypass:

And another pic (on the right):

Hey thanks. When I said I heard bad things about the Fram bypass, I was mostly thinking of the extraguard. I have a tendency to throw them in together either forgetting they may be different, or at least not specifing which filter line I meant.

I agree with you that the screen seems like a gimmick also because the oil pickup has a screen or at least most engine should have. So I guess unless maybe if a junk of metal from your oil pump comes off and should go through the filter bypass it won't end up getting to somewhere else in your engine. That might be good, but other than that I can't see it being that useful, because like you said you would already have bigger engine problems. If that was likely it seems more bypasses would have a screen to protect from this. Hmm, a bypass screen, maybe they are on to something lol.

Yeah a good up close pic of the bypass would be good. I couldn't really make out much of it in the links.

I won't be able to post the pic tonight. I have an exam I have to study for tonight so I'll try to post the pic tomorrow. Just keeping you posted.
I've been using these on my Subaru, until I discovered the purolator pure-one. For the same money, I'd much prefer the purolator. I'm glad to know its actually a decent filter though.
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