Exercise Interval for Emergency Generators

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Thanks again for all the replies.

I ended up exercising once per month for 30 minutes at 50% load and then about 5 minutes at 85% load, then a 5 minute cool down. I did this over the last year, and oil analysis results seem to indicate this works as well as bi-weekly runs. This is a good balance between taking care of the generators and saving on diesel expenses, which is important too.
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you might want to check into what the EPA or AQCB says for generator testing limits. Cal Poly is limited in the amount of time they can run their generators for exercise/testing because of the air pollution requirements.
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I've cut my testing back from weekly to bi weekly. I just had 2600 gallons of fuel delivered to the tune of ten grand. Thankfully, I wasn't writing that check.
Thanks, it is pretty cool. I do, however, miss my previous occupation of servicing and repairing gensets all over the city. I used to see acouple of different locations every day, I was always out enjoying the weather and got to build relationships with long time customers.
This is very cool also. Whatever I feel we need to keep the system dependable is at my disposal, so I get to play with some neat stuff.
Originally Posted By: NYEngineer
I've cut my testing back from weekly to bi weekly. I just had 2600 gallons of fuel delivered to the tune of ten grand. Thankfully, I wasn't writing that check.

I asked this question in another thread about fuel additives, but maybe it is more appropriate here.

what do the guys do who maintain large backup generators as far as fuel stability? I’d think a big generator would need lots of fuel storage, but monthly test & maintenance runs of a few hours would not use-up that stored fuel very quickly, so I’d think they would have storage issues.
I have two 6000 gallon tanks. I use Bio Bor to prevent algae and a fuel conditioner called Stanodyne. It lubricates, increases cetane and disperses water. It also breaks down any algae so it can be consumed by the engine. My building and tanks are only 5 years old, so I really don't have any issues yet.

I run off one tank until I consume enough fuel for a delivery, then switch to the other one. When I add fuel to the low tank, I add treatment and bio bor.
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