does this site seem a little...uh....dead now?

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Aug 14, 2009
mid south
It seems there is less activity going on here. I remember there always used to be 40 or 50 people here all the time. Maybe it's just me!??!

And with all due respect, 221 post in about 30 days as a member here definitely puts you in the post whore category. Perhaps spending less time here will reveal more new posts to read.
Originally Posted By: Eric Smith
Spiders... eek!

Well, it is the World Wide WEB! Ha!


....*Crickets chirping*
It doesnt seem dead, but it is a bit different from how it was a few years ago when I first signed up.
Originally Posted By: GMZ
It doesnt seem dead, but it is a bit different from how it was a few years ago when I first signed up.

It does seem that many of the more knowledgeable posters have cut back.
Maybe I've just been here long, but the posts have started to seem repetitive. I think someday when I come across a noob thread asking a question that was just asked a few days ago, I'm going to tell them to use the search. Sounds mean though.
Maybe it's just a good weather Saturday and everyone in a 4 season climate knows that chilly weather is just around the corner???
Originally Posted By: bretfraz
And with all due respect, 221 post in about 30 days as a member here definitely puts you in the post whore category. Perhaps spending less time here will reveal more new posts to read.

Yes, with all due respect.
It seems there is less activity going on here. I remember there always used to be 40 or 50 people here all the time. Maybe it's just me!??!


everyone got banned. I kid..I kid..
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You can only get excited so many times the questions ,I have 137,320 miles on my car and I want the best oil I can get so is it o.k. to switch to syn oil? or is filtration or flow more important?
It's pretty beat.

All the professional chemists, tribologists no longer post here. There is no technical backbone to the site. There is a lot of older data from Molekule on here. Other then that, not much new going on.
The nuggets are getting a bit thin. I still want to do my 10 year anniversary, but StevieC will have more posts than me by then.

I think one thing that might help is aggressive enforcement of newbie repeat questions or somehow have a ban on certain repeat/newbie questions, only if they are covered in a real FAQ section.
Originally Posted By: buster
It's pretty beat.

All the professional chemists, tribologists no longer post here. There is no technical backbone to the site. There is a lot of older data from Molekule on here. Other then that, not much new going on.
I just spent 40 hours repairing the air conditioning and the lines , A timing belt and all the other stuff that has to be done and some other stuff on a 328 Ferrari and if that isn't frustrating enough putting together a box full of parts that is turning into a real nice original Pontiac 67 GTO I know 2 of the 3 owners that is the neat part. Isn't that technical enough for you Buster!!!!
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