Does anyone actually eat the bread end pieces?

Sometimes, usually we throw away bread because we do not eat an entire loaf because there is just my wife and myself at home. I feel bad about throwing any kind of food away because I came from a family of 9 and my mom would use everything. We didn't waste any food and lived off the garden and my mom canned lots of food and we purchased meat locally from non-confined feed lots.
Sometimes, usually we throw away bread because we do not eat an entire loaf because there is just my wife and myself at home. I feel bad about throwing any kind of food away because I came from a family of 9 and my mom would use everything. We didn't waste any food and lived off the garden and my mom canned lots of food and we purchased meat locally from non-confined feed lots.
Freezing bread eliminates waste. Lots of items besides bread freeze well ... and there are numerous recipes that make good use of stale bread.
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They're just more bread to me. I always crack up at people who turn their nose up at the ends of the loaf, but must have a roll for their burger. Isn't a roll really just 2 end pieces? lol
I save the heels for last. Not my favorites. Except on bakery rye bread. Then I eat them first.
I absolutely hate the end pieces on typical consumer bread. However I love fresh baked bread end pieces with lots of butter.
