Disturbed Driver of the Day

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Sep 5, 2009
Motor City..What's Left
"Ann Arbor man, 19, uses Hummer to run over ducklings"

What a complete tool. When I read a story like this it sickens me, just completely deflates what little faith I have left in this society of ours.

Despite the embarrassment of this pin head hailing from my area, I wanted to post this story here. But mainly to discuss the headline. Why is it that I notice the Hummer is always pointed out specifically in stories like this? What I mean is, why does the headline point out the model of vehicle that was used? If you replace Hummer with Camry or Focus, I suspect that the headline would have been written in an entirely different way.

Just one of the many very subtle ways that I notice large SUV's are routinely singled out for a little guilt by association.
Just makes a good headline (for a Newspaper), and allows the reader to visualize and stereotype the driver.
Kind of like "Man runs over vagrant with Rolls Royce"
Unless he really is a nut job, then he either didn't realize his mistake, but was too bull-headed to admit that right away when people screamed at him, or he meant to drive NEAR the nest in an attempt to be funny. Either way, the comments to the article are a bit extreme, trying to associate some moron driving like a moron with rapists and murderers. Regardless, unless it's very obvious that he intentionally did this (meaning, it's on tape, not just his word against the already angry mob,) then four years behind bars is too much for the crime.
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That moron needs some jail time and some mental evaluation. Intentional malicious act of animal cruelty is a sign that something is wrong with his brain.
Originally Posted By: expat
Just makes a good headline (for a Newspaper), and allows the reader to visualize and stereotype the driver.
Kind of like "Man runs over vagrant with Rolls Royce"

Excellent example. It just evokes a stereotype that resonates with the crime.
Does he do it intentionally and how to prove it? That'll be tough.

In either case, he isn't driving something that he can handle. One of my former coworker has an H1 (collector) and that thing is very hard to drive, to a point that he usually leave it parked.

Backing into a parking lot and ran over the duckling after a passenger trying to pick them up and was yelled at? Good luck trying to get off as unintentional.
Twice it happened to me that I saw a mother duck and her tiny chicks crossing the a busy road to get to a lake and I had to purposely block all 3 lanes of traffic to get the cars to stop as they were crossing the roadway. The little chicks looked like brown cotton balls.

If I saw that guy in the Hummer running over the ducklings.... I would have kicked his [censored]
I won't watch the video but I saw half of a ducks chicks get run over about 10 years ago and it was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. And I've seen some extremely horrible stuff but that Ducks panicked reaction is something I will never forget.

This may sound ridiculous but I've always held people that hurt defenseless animals with the same contempt as murderer or child molester.
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Originally Posted By: 3311
I won't watch the video but I saw half of a ducks chicks get run over about 10 years ago and it was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. And I've seen some extremely horrible stuff but that Ducks panicked reaction is something I will never forget.

This may sound ridiculous but I've always held people that hurt defenseless animals with the same contempt as murderer or child molester.

You're not alone.
Originally Posted By: The_Eric
Originally Posted By: 3311
I won't watch the video but I saw half of a ducks chicks get run over about 10 years ago and it was one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. And I've seen some extremely horrible stuff but that Ducks panicked reaction is something I will never forget.

This may sound ridiculous but I've always held people that hurt defenseless animals with the same contempt as murderer or child molester.

You're not alone.

Well, the thought process (being generous) is the same for either type of d-bag (you can insert whatever d-word you think is appropriate). In my mind, the measure of a person or a society or civilization is how the weakest and defenseless are treated.

Some people (again being generous) need a serious dose of karma or poetic justice in order to learn a lesson - and even then it probably woudn't help.
Originally Posted By: ZeeOSix
That moron needs some jail time and some mental evaluation. Intentional malicious act of animal cruelty is a sign that something is wrong with his brain.

Serial killers start that way.
Originally Posted By: onebigunion
Some people (again being generous) need a serious dose of karma or poetic justice in order to learn a lesson - and even then it probably woudn't help.

Definitely agree...
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