Discussion: Do We WAY Overthink Oil Choice?

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Oct 23, 2006
I think we all know the answer to this, but let me tell my story...

I just purchased a new Accord EX-L with the K24. 0w20 spec. So, after a ton of reading, I was thinking of going with TGMO. Well, then I've got to price shop and order it. Plus, There are a lot of good OTC oils I can get locally and at very good prices. That logic got me down to M1 0w20 AFE/EP. Well, then I saw that Menards had QSUD at a great price after rebate, but I thought to myself, "Is QSUD as 'good' as M1?" It's a terrible circle.

When I get down to it, I thought about two things:
I don't think there is a 'bad' 0w20 out there.
I have a Honda. Chances are it will run great and last a long time on any 0w20.

So, now I need to decide if I am going to take advantage of the Menards deal or not, as it ends soon. However, at $2/qt after MIR, I do not think I can pass it up. It's a quality oil. It just got me thinking...do we overthink oil choice in a HUGE way? Don't get me wrong, it's fun, but also exhausting.
Yep, that's the point of this forum: to over think & over analyze everything
In addition, the auto trans tends to fail more than the engine, unless a minivan with VCM that burns oil, scores the cylinders and fails.
If you have a CVT, the CVT does not have a long track record yet. They are not faultless. Some CVT'S fail sooner than geared auto transmissions and are expensive to fix with poor parts availability. We shall see.
In addition to overthinking, some people want to be mini-celebrities on BITOG tauting their own "blends" of how the mix up wonder elixirs.

Or the people that swear their BRAND NEW car has a knock that was cured or developed because of brand XXXX oil. Or that I got 14 more MPG because I switched to M1 AFE.

Lots of overthinking, underthinking, and everything in between.

It's a weird culture here but there can be good info too.

My honest opinion.
Honesty is just fine! I'm beginning to think that shopping on price while staying within any required specs will net great results for 95% of us. Hence the reason I'm tempted to go grab some QSUD at the price I can get it at.

I've seen posts on forums of Honda accord CVTs failing after ~60k miles and some users have seen the fluid go from clear to BLACK in only 5-10K.

I would pay 10x more attention to the CVT intervals over engine oil.

Originally Posted By: thrace
In addition, the auto trans tends to fail more than the engine, unless a minivan with VCM that burns oil, scores the cylinders and fails.
If you have a CVT, the CVT does not have a long track record yet. They are not faultless. Some CVT'S fail sooner than geared auto transmissions and are expensive to fix with poor parts availability. We shall see.
I think there was a survey or multiple oil analysis released on this forum with the help of Blackstone labs. The result being in the long run they could find no difference in wear metals or insolubles with any oil or OCI?

Yes, we over think our oil choice. I haven't seen a worn out engine in 40 years.
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Originally Posted By: BTLew81
I think we all know the answer to this, but let me tell my story...

I just purchased a new Accord EX-L with the K24. 0w20 spec...

...When I get down to it, I thought about two things:
I don't think there is a 'bad' 0w20 out there.
I have a Honda. Chances are it will run... and last a long time on any 0w20...

Yes, OVERTHINKING... but if you just took it to the dealer.... you wouldn't be here, would you...?

My last Honda went 20 years and 350 000 miles, before rust and a variety of non-engine issues ended its run. It used EVERY brand and grade of oil available, from 0w20 right thru 15w50... synthetic, blends, conventional, hdeo, motorcycle... you name it.

The engine DID NOT CARE... and purred along til the end.

Two things to mention though... the oil was NEVER allowed to run low, and was always changed at reasonable intervals...

The engine outlasted the car, as is frequently the case...!
Originally Posted By: BTLew81
It just got me thinking...do we overthink oil choice in a HUGE way?

Others here might overthink it. I don't. I just use whatever's on sale...
This is a great discussion. There is probably some truth to the idea that once you have gotten the right weight in syn/blend/dino, and with the caveat that the proper certifications are in place, only the bottle varies, not the stuff inside.

That said, maybe there are some minute differences. Also there is huge value in "oil consciousness." To illustrate, look at the number of people on BITOG who have 100k+, 200k+, 300K+ miles ontheir cars. Compare that to most of your "oil-clueless" co-workers and friends. In addition to having fun, these endless debates definitely deliver an economic benefit.
You are right, there are no "bad" 0W-20s that I know of.
Honda only requires it be API approved and they all are except for some expensive boutique 0W-20s.

But then you could ask will my engine last any longer than if I used an API dino 5W-20, or a 5W-30, or even a 0W/5W-40? And the answer is probably not.
The point is this, the OEM 0W-20s like TGMO have superior viscometrics and generally higher AW additive levels than all OTC 0W-20s. If you can get an oil like TGMO for a decent price (and since it is being supplied in bulk to dealers you can) why bother with a cheaper, inferior lubricant? But just because the oil is superior doesn't mean your engine actually requires it although the engine may perform better with it.

What I'd suggest is that you at least try TGMO at some point in time and form your own opinion. Most members can notice the difference, but you're going to own your car for a long time so if you want to try a basic aftermarket 0W-20 for a couple of bucks as well then do so.
Thanks...I thought it was a good discussion to, thus the post. I know it's a "duh" sort of question, but I thought it might drive some discussion.
This has become more of a hobby for me than anything else. I enjoy analyzing every aspect of my auto maintenance and being fastidious about it. My old Subaru Forester, hunk of junk that it was, was a blast to test oils in. Some ran quiet, some ran loud, some burned faster than others. I must have run at least 10-12 different oils in it.

Yes, we overthink things. That being said, we are pushing for the bleeding edge of fluid and maintenance quality. If someone who used to change synthetic oil every 3k miles gets up to a safe interval of 10-15k then there is an economic benefit as well.

So, yes, we over analyze. For those who don't they can keep changing syn at 3k and never realizing that they have fluid in their transmission.
As long as an oil meets the correct manufacturer spec and viscosity, I really have not seen any evidence whatsoever that an expensive boutique oil will outperform a cheap oil in any meaningful way over the life of a car assuming normal service intervals. It's mostly marketing and hype, IMO.
LOL, I just came back from europe and got to drive my elderly father's almost 20 year old POS FIAT. The car is rusted and in bad shape with many leaks, except for engine that works like a charm with mineral 10W40 oil changed every 1-2 years.
I have been on this board for a long time. Normally do not comment much, as I have nothing really to add to the generally good discussions. Been driving for 51 years and always have serviced my vehicles myself, and have driven many different types of cars and trucks, and also hit the drag strip in the late 60's. Yep this board over thinks everything, but it sure is an enjoyable way to pass some time. Everyone keep it up.
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