Compact jack/stand combo

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Oct 20, 2005
Might be moving to a garage that isn't long enough for my current method of getting all four corners of the car in the air (hydraulic jack under the front, place jack stands, repeat in rear). So, I need a new way to get all four corners up.

Jacking from the sides with the same equipment isn't really an option because the jacking points are also the only good places to put jack stands. Scissor jacks might work in theory, but I'm not comfortable getting under a car supported only by those. Plus, it'd be annoying to have to work four of them at once.

A real 2-post lift is not an option, unfortunately.

Looking at these right now: Seems like the best solution, but I'd prefer not to spend that much if I don't have to.

Any suggestions?
How often do you need to get all 4 wheels in the air? I've never needed to do this.
Sweet! Have you considered using air bags? ARB makes one for getting stuck. It's designed to run from exhaust (not in garage) and compressed air. They are like what the Fire Department use for extrications. I bought one and have never used it, but I've used it to lift my Montero. They work rather quickly. Of course I'd use jack stands....

Good hunting!


A buddy of mine is a mechanic and occasionally uses a couple of these, he likes it. Not sure what brand his is, but the design is similar. Jack/jack stand combo.


Prices are higher than 3/4 of the cars I have driven. Snazzy. I assume there are pins to lock the arms, so the whole deal acts like a stand? I got by for 20+ yrs with a gifted Taiwanese floor jack. I replaced it with a HF 3 ton low profile 15" lift. What would happen if you hung 3'out into the driveway for the week end ?
Lift range is not low enough for Camrys. It needs nearly a foot to place it under lift points.
Originally Posted By: d00df00d

Looking at these right now: Seems like the best solution, but I'd prefer not to spend that much if I don't have to.

A friend of mine has had one like that for 30 years (I do not know if it is a "quickjack")

It is easy/convenient to use. I'd like to have one of my own.
Originally Posted By: Nick1994
A buddy of mine is a mechanic and occasionally uses a couple of these, he likes it. Not sure what brand his is, but the design is similar. Jack/jack stand combo.


The issue with things like this is the minimum height. Means you have to drive up on small ramps or something else.

I own the ez car lift, which is compact and drill powered - easy...
On frameless (monocoque, unibody, etc) vehicles, I just lift the vehicle at the front side lift point, block the tire (or a throwaway wheel) with wood blocks, drop the jack, re-insert jack stands. Do it right and you can pull (or drive with a hammer) the wood blocks from under the tire (deflate if necessary). Repeat at the other side.

A milk crate with 2x6 or wider 10" or so long pieces of scrap wood, some varying thicknesses of plywood and scrap wood siding / interior wall panel squares, and you can get pretty precise with the heights.

For the rear use the differential as your lift point or do the same as the front.

I always use wood blocks to safety-block the oil pan, just snug or not touching but really close, so if something fails the car doesn't fall far. Same with the diff. Now you have six points of support. You can remove one of the safeties if you need to work there, but otherwise there they go.

If that sounds like overkill, I know a girl whose BF died working alone in the garage on his Corvette which fell on him. I'd met him but didn't actually know him, but by all accounts he was handy, so knew better. So, it does happen. I think the takeaway here is do what you have to do to be safe. An "expensive" jack / stand, if that's what you need ... buy it.
Have a look at this- scroll down to see in action. What they do is fit the cars jackpoints & then you put your stands under them. You can make a pair if you have access to a welder- they work great
Originally Posted By: Nick1994
A buddy of mine is a mechanic and occasionally uses a couple of these, he likes it. Not sure what brand his is, but the design is similar. Jack/jack stand combo.


Something like this would be great if it could fit under my car. Have you ever seen a super low profile version?
Originally Posted By: andyd
Prices are higher than 3/4 of the cars I have driven. Snazzy. I assume there are pins to lock the arms, so the whole deal acts like a stand? I got by for 20+ yrs with a gifted Taiwanese floor jack. I replaced it with a HF 3 ton low profile 15" lift. What would happen if you hung 3'out into the driveway for the week end ?

The Quick Jack apparently has a ratchet-type mechanism to keep it locked in place.

Hanging outside the garage door might be an option sometimes, but not when it's cold or rainy. I'd like to have something that'd work purely within the confines of the garage.
Originally Posted By: Johnny2Bad
On frameless (monocoque, unibody, etc) vehicles, I just lift the vehicle at the front side lift point, block the tire (or a throwaway wheel) with wood blocks, drop the jack, re-insert jack stands. Do it right and you can pull (or drive with a hammer) the wood blocks from under the tire (deflate if necessary). Repeat at the other side.

Interesting. Will keep this in mind. Seems very labor intensive but by far the cheapest option...
Originally Posted By: 928
Have a look at this- scroll down to see in action. What they do is fit the cars jackpoints & then you put your stands under them. You can make a pair if you have access to a welder- they work great

Wow, nice! Will look into this for sure.

Also, thanks everyone for your input so far!
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: 928
Have a look at this- scroll down to see in action. What they do is fit the cars jackpoints & then you put your stands under them. You can make a pair if you have access to a welder- they work great

Wow, nice! Will look into this for sure.

Also, thanks everyone for your input so far!

That is pretty neat. There's a good thread on rennlist about making theee.

Seems like minimal welding and a length of schedule 80 round tube would be a fun project.
Originally Posted By: JHZR2
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Originally Posted By: 928
Have a look at this- scroll down to see in action. What they do is fit the cars jackpoints & then you put your stands under them. You can make a pair if you have access to a welder- they work great

Wow, nice! Will look into this for sure.

Also, thanks everyone for your input so far!

That is pretty neat. There's a good thread on rennlist about making theee.

Seems like minimal welding and a length of schedule 80 round tube would be a fun project.

Yes indeed.

I actually reached out to the guy who makes these. He says he couldn't figure out a solution he liked for pinch welds. Wonder what that means...
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