Can't get rid of the Dropbox folder icon

Oct 31, 2017
I have a used pc that apparently had Dropbox installed. Then someone must have uninstalled Dropbox because there is no other Dropbox component on this computer than the Dropbox folder icon that you can see. Right-clicking gives me a popup that states 'An error occurred applying attributes to the file: c:\Users\xxxx\Dropbox. The system cannot find the file specified.' Clicking the folder results in the shown pop-up. Apparently, the folder icon does no harm but I find its presence irritating. How can I get rid of this folder icon? Should I maybe download and reinstall Dropbox, then uninstall? Or am I going to end up with another Dropbox folder icon?

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Try this:

Uninstall the desktop app on Windows
  1. Search Control Panel at the Start screen and select it.
  2. Under Programs, select Uninstall a program.
  3. Select Dropbox from the list of programs.
  4. Click Uninstall.
  5. Restart your computer to complete the uninstall.

If the manufacturer of your computer preloaded Dropbox, you may also need to uninstall the promotional software that came with your device. To do so:
  1. Launch the Add/Remove Programsutility.
    • Windows 10:
      1. Click Start.
      2. Click Settings.
      3. Click System.
      4. Click Apps & features.
  2. Select Get Dropbox or Dropbox X GB from the application list, where "X" is the amount of space corresponding to your promotion.
  3. Click Uninstall.
  4. Restart your computer to complete the uninstall.
On a used computer I'd rather reinstall Windows so you know what's on it. Wipe the drive and do a complete reinstall. You should have a digital license so don't need a key. Download the version from Microsoft.
On a used computer I'd rather reinstall Windows so you know what's on it. Wipe the drive and do a complete reinstall. You should have a digital license so don't need a key. Download the version from Microsoft.

Sure, but I'd still like to know how to solve the problem without resorting to wiping and reinstalling.
Have you created another user and checked to see if the problem exists with the new user account?

I'm with the others who suggest a clean install. But if you really do not want to do that, try creating a new user and see if that user has the issue.

If not, use that account, delete the account with the troublesome Dropbox issues.

As an aside, I do not do day to day work with an administrative account. I have a java and a super-java account. Java is for day to day work. Only if I need to do admin tasks like software installs and so forth do I log in as java.

One additional layer of security, FWIW.
The Dropbox folder icon is only in the User account. Just curious how to get rid of this annoyance.
All Dropbox system folders are gone. I checked:


Probably its a registry problem?
Reinstalling the OS is a major pain. Try ccleaner. It is free and easily downloaded. It can clean the registry and remove orphaned files. It can also clean junk files and free up space on the hard drive. If all else fails, just delete the Dropbox folder and send it to the trash bin.
I would try resetting the File Explorer history or restoring Defaults.
In the File Explorer, go to File-->Options.

Thanks for all the suggestions. I found the responsible Registry file.

After entering "regedit" I navigated to HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace. There were three long files in there. The info panel showed that one of those files was a Dropbox file. I deleted it. The Dropbox folder icon is now gone from File Explorer.
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After years of sending hours solving convoluted issues like this one, I've concuded that computers suck. :cautious: :p
ccleaner used to be good.
its now owned by avast.
they are not trustworthy .
bleachbit is the new goto.
Reinstalling the OS is a major pain. Try ccleaner. It is free and easily downloaded. It can clean the registry and remove orphaned files. It can also clean junk files and free up space on the hard drive. If all else fails, just delete the Dropbox folder and send it to the trash bin.
Here is a discussion about this topic on the Dropbox forums:

The answer-giver alluded to searching his registry to a string of character that included his computer user name. You'll obviously want to change that to your username.
After years of sending hours solving convoluted issues like this one, I've concuded that computers suck. :cautious: :p
I had to get a MacBook Pro for work kicking and screaming and was a fish out of water.

It just works and a bonus can use shell terminal like I am back in 1989 at first job on DEC VT220!