can i use auto rx on a 3 motnh OCI?

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Aug 8, 2005
stamford, CT
can i sue auto rx on a 3 month OCI? lets sya i do,about 1,000 miles in 3 months or a llittle less, cna i still sue atuo rx? i am usign dino now, but maintian my enigne with 3 month changes, becasue traffic here is BAD! WAY too much sitting at idel for more than 25 minutes daily sometimes, and our I 95highway is usualy backed up diring te summer, takeing me sometimes 40 minutes jsut to pass 6 or 7 exits.
I don't follow. Why on earth would you want to try to sue Auto Rx? I've read that consumers have won suits against jiffy lube in small claims court. But Auto Rx is great stuff.

please try to correct your spelling errors before submitting so people know what your talking about. And yes auto-rx is awesome, just follow the instructions on the bottle, and you'll be all good, and i really hope your not planning to sue auto-rx.
Ziggy, go for it! Don't worry about the time.
Your 3 month/traffic/1000m run should be fine.
Your driving habits would dictate the need for cleaning. Based on your description, that would be considered to be severe driving. Run the full 1500 miles in the cleaning mode, even if it takes 4 1/2 months.
sure ziggy but you'll have to move to CA. not enough lawyers in CT.fwiw, there is no precedent that I am aware of for a case like this. Frank would rightly recovers his lawyer fees for this frivolous lawsuit. you'd be well served using one of the better snake oil offerings located at some bootleg domain.oh, oh, he meant USE...oops!
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