Blizzard of 78 of 13

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Jun 15, 2003
Well I don't have anything cuter to call it. 35 year anniversary.

Who all's in the path? I'm north-of-center but still in the foot plus zone.

At noon all the weathermen were calling for "12 inches plus... and MORE" like Ron Popeil.

If I'm cunning, I'll get pictures when it's over.
They're saying 4 - 6" here in Rochester. Then again, that means we'll get somewhere between a nice, sunny day and 2 feet of snow. I'm hoping it's not more than 6" or so, as I haven't had time and good weather to fix the transfer case linkage in the Jeep. I'm not quite sure what the deepest snow it can traverse without 4wd is (I know 4 - 5" is no problem).
I'm expecting a dusting, if that in Syracuse. I've learned that, if it's an actual storm, we usually get no snow.

Lake Effect can't be predicted.
Saying 8-12" here, but 12"+ if it gets colder than they expect and does not start as rain. I am NOT looking forward to working Friday!
I'd love to get 12+ inches here in Chicago. I love snow and winter is my favorite season.

This year has been a disappointment so far; we had something less than an inch total until late January and since then we've had a couple little (like, 2") snowfalls. I'm ready for some real snow.
Upto 15CM here which is I think like 6".
No biggie, although it will more than likely slow my drive down.
i'm all for some winter weather though. Other than some cold the snowfall this year has been lackluster at best.
Problem is the maps don't show where I'm at, because you know, upstate NY doesn't matter at all, only boston and NYC. The Winter Storm Warning states 12+ inches currently for our area. Great. Hopefully our center will be allowed to leave early, but I doubt it. They will just say "be careful and leave plenty of time"
Originally Posted By: css9450
I'd love to get 12+ inches here in Chicago. I love snow and winter is my favorite season.

This year has been a disappointment so far; we had something less than an inch total until late January and since then we've had a couple little (like, 2") snowfalls. I'm ready for some real snow.

I am about to suggest you (and anyone else who claims to love snow and winter) do something anatomically improbable with a snowblower!
Weather Service says 6-11 inches through Saturday morning in Rochester, NY. That means we'll get a dusting since they've been woefully inaccurate so far this year.
I'm in the cross-hairs. Bulls-eye! No big deal anymore. We had a storm about 7 years ago that was bigger than 78. Cleaned up in a day or so. They do a good job plowing sanding and salting. So good a 97 Honda is a rare sight, most are rusted away.
The area of MA below Nashua, NH with 33.3 is me. If this is true it also beats the 27" Blizzard of 78. Its close to the one 7 years ago.

We may be getting up to 1/4" rain in So Cal on Friday and temperature is predicted to be around 60F during the day and drops to 40F overnight.

If we get 1/4" snow here then the whole state will closed.
I was going to go to a concert up in Mass on Friday night. Now with this storm it looks like I won't be able to go
. Good thing I didn't buy tickets yet. This is the second show in a row that I wanted to see but couldn't for one reason or another.
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: css9450
I'd love to get 12+ inches here in Chicago. I love snow and winter is my favorite season.

This year has been a disappointment so far; we had something less than an inch total until late January and since then we've had a couple little (like, 2") snowfalls. I'm ready for some real snow.

I am about to suggest you (and anyone else who claims to love snow and winter) do something anatomically improbable with a snowblower!

AMEN! People that sit there and talk about bring on the storms drive me nuts. They will be the 1st to complain though when the power goes out for 2-3 days and they can't get warm. People like that don't take into account the cost of dealing with these storms either. Just freakin ridiculous.

Ok, so some of you here at BITOG like snow. That is fine. 3-5 inches I can see being happpy about. Small storms like that don't generally do much harm and they help out with people who enjoy winter sports. But when they start talking 2'-3' in one storm you are talking a serious and dangerous storm that literally could lead to deaths, massive prolonged power outages, huge financial burdens on towns and cities, and just on and on. Storms like this are no joke. These storms for those of us in the North are like Hurricanes for the South and Tornados for the Mid West. You don't make light of them even if you like snow and live here in the North. Just unbelieveable.

Looks like I am going to get slammed here( Coastal NH ). Forecast is for upwards of 24" of snow from Friday afternoon through Saturday AM. Snow will start sometime tonight or early Friday AM but won't get serious until later in the day. Worst time will be Friday night through early Sat AM. The forecast seems to have changed a bit since last night. Was going to be spread out more( Thurs - Sat ) but now looks more like we will get hit hard and fast. At least the winds are not forecast to be as bad now. That is a HUGE help in avoiding power outages.

My generator is ready to go as is my snowbllower but I really hope we don't lose power. My Dad is 88 and it can be a real problem if we do lose it for a long time. With a storm this big it can be hard to get out and get him somewhere safe and warm too. My Brother has had the power go out for literally 2-3 weeks after a storm like this because of where they live( low on the list of priorities ). Just not a fun time for many of us ahead I fear.

I remember 78 here and if this is as bad or worse =
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Originally Posted By: NHHEMI
Originally Posted By: Jarlaxle
Originally Posted By: css9450
I'd love to get 12+ inches here in Chicago. I love snow and winter is my favorite season.

Ok, so some of you here at BITOG like snow. That is fine. 3-5 inches I can see being happpy about. Small storms like that don't generally do much harm and they help out with people who enjoy winter sports. But when they start talking 2'-3' in one storm you are talking a serious and dangerous storm that literally could lead to deaths, massive prolonged power outages, huge financial burdens on towns and cities, and just on and on.

Note that I wasn't asking for 2 or 3 feet of snow. Not even I would want that.

I'll get my fill of winter however. I'm heading to Minnesota's Iron Range next week which I'm sure is a LOT colder and snowier than Chicago's 33 degrees and rain we're having right now.
I am in direct path.

I live about 5-10 miles inland on the NH seacoast. Our range shows 12"-24" and spot 30".

I have to go fill my empty 12 gallons in cans all empty for generator and snow blower which are dead empty.
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