Best Total Vegetation Killer

Sep 18, 2002
I've sorta been disappointed in the results of Round Up 365. I want something that kills and plant life for eternity. I'm not concerned
about anything but flat out killing everything that is living a few areas of my driveway, side of my garage and flower gardens. I am familiar how Round Up works. Somebody told me Killzall 365 was good stuff.

I use this and use about 20% more in the mix than they say. A real knockout.
Spectracide doesn't kill globe sedge very well, but of course not even pulling it out by the roots kills that stuff.
I use it sometimes, but there could be something better.
I want the most deadliest potent dangerous killer there is. LOL
If I gotta wear gloves up to my elbows, wrap my body in saran wrap, cover with hip waders and goggles and a Covid Mask. LOL
Pramitol. Get it at a farm supply store. But you gotta be careful with it.

Pramitol. Get it at a farm supply store. But you gotta be careful with it.

This can be mixed with "Round Up" for a super killer according to the internet. Rural King has it. Thanks!!
Wow! This Pramitol is some serious doodoo...It sterilizes the soil. Can't get it near tree roots. Says it lasts a year minimum in the
soil. Need to apply right before a rain.

Thanks, Mrsilv04!!!
You want a " Soil Sterilizer " . Roundup has no residual effect . Read the labels carefully . When it says ok to plant after a certain period of time , you've got the wrong product .
Wow! This Pramitol is some serious doodoo...It sterilizes the soil. Can't get it near tree roots. Says it lasts a year minimum in the
soil. Need to apply right before a rain.

Thanks, Mrsilv04!!!

Be advised... I have seen rainwater carry this stuff beyond where it was sprayed. Might not be the stuff that you want to spray up against wifey's flower gardens...
You want a " Soil Sterilizer " . Roundup has no residual effect . Read the labels carefully . When it says ok to plant after a certain period of time , you've got the wrong product .

Theoretically glyphosate binds to clay soils, which is why it doesn't have much action with roots. But if you had a plant growing in water (done that in my kitchen with green onion bulbs) it would probably kill via absorption through the roots.

But there's probably a point where it can't absorb any more, although it also biodegrades. I certainly wouldn't count on just dousing soil with Roundup just to sterilize the soil.