Apple controls retail Store employees

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Originally Posted By: 123Saab
$14 in a high end store in NYC is bottom line.

If you get less than that you either live with your parents or share a 3 room apartment with 5 people.

And depending on your lifestyle $14 might still not be enough.

Anyone not being an investment banker in NYC is living like a bum.
The worst thing I find when dealing with sales and or customer service is exactly when the person REFUSES to be up front, direct, and honest with me about any issues regarding electronics. I can't believe that knowing human nature that most customers will be much more annoyed and discouraged from using your product and or service if you are being deceived, having issues sugar coated, or just plain being LIED to!

I don't trust ANY company that REFUSES to allow their employee to be direct, professional, and honest, about any issues.

We all know that any man made device is going to be imperfect the worst part is when there is denial on the part of the company. It flat out destroys any trust I have in them or their products.
Originally Posted By: JoeWGauss
I don't trust ANY company that REFUSES to allow their employee to be direct, professional, and honest, about any issues.

But that's not the role of some kid who is paid nothing working the storefront. They have a department that handles that kind of information where people are paid a great deal of money to figure out how to handle those issues. The kid in the store is there to say exactly whatever he is told to say and not a word more. He's not paid to think.
Oh, I understand that. I don't put the onus on the front line sales guy making 9 bucks an hour to go against the company policy.
However I will defintely and have sent snail mail to CEOs about their handling of customer service and sales issues and approaches.

I honestly cannot believe that some mucky muck consultant is telling these companies to LIE to and decieve customers!!!!

But they ARE!
So happy I don't have to work a horrible retail job like that for peanuts. I used to, and thanks to that I hate retail with a passion. $15 an hour? That wouldn't be enough to cover my ammunition budget, they would expect me to actually do something for that? Put up with their company [censored], LOL.

It sounds like a good summer job for college kids, until they can get a real job.
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Nick, Careful driving while tired. If you have been working more than 12 hours and need to drive anywhere, rather get into a motel and sleep for the night. This is quasi standard practice where I work, and you will reduce your risk of fatigue crashes.
Originally Posted By: crinkles
Nick, Careful driving while tired. If you have been working more than 12 hours and need to drive anywhere, rather get into a motel and sleep for the night. This is quasi standard practice where I work, and you will reduce your risk of fatigue crashes.

Don't worry, we stay in a hotel a few minutes from the store we are working at at that time. We only drive between stores, and we usually have 2-3 days between those, luckily. They are paying for the hotel rooms too. I checked in at the first one, and the lady asked me "Is this going on the Best Buy Corporate card we have listed?" I told her I assumed so, because I sure as heck wasn't paying for it lol.
$14 an hour is peanuts and a poverty wage if you are living on your own and not living in your parent's basement.

I've never understood what all this craze for Apple i_____ is all about.
The apple products work and work well for a lot of things. Thats the craze. Nothing wrong with it.

But $14/hr is poverty wage, and i dont see how anyone could exist on that.
But Apple hardware is EXACTLY the same as that which goes into all PC products, so as far as hardware relibility Apple is a failure prone as any other computer brand products.
So is the claim... But my experience at least is to the contrary.

Apple controls HW selections tighter, IMO. I think that helps compared to, say, dell which has been nothing but a failure to me.
Both Apple and other big OEM has tight quality control on parts input, and they get quality that is better that what you can get buying on your own.

In terms of hardware Apple tends to run at lower power and lower temperature, so their stuff tends to run a bit more reliably than say, HP and eMachine. Apple also tends to spend more effort in power management of the software so it runs cooler in OSX than in Windows.

Throwing the same parts together doesn't always means it is the same resulting products. Cooling and silence are something that doesn't show up in the spec.
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