Anyone get these Atkins products?

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC

They are pretty good but a bit pricey. Trying to keep the carbs down, so how does this compare? The label shows more calories and fat than I'd like to see, but overall is it a good choice over cookies, cake, chocolate bars, etc. that I've cut out?

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The maltitol is what often causes the cramping, bloating, gas, etc. Some people get those side effects worse than others. For example, my wife will have problems after eating a couple sugar-free gummy bears. I’ll eat two servings before having problems.

I regularly pack a similar Atkins treat in my lunch box. Right now it’s lemon bars. I also bring the Atkins chips, which I find slightly better-tasting than Quest. I “subscribe” and get them for a decent price on Amazon.

To keep prices down, I often buy Atkins bars at Amish/Mennonite-run salvage grocery stores for $1-2/box. They are slightly expired, but I figure there’s enough chemicals/preservatives that they’ll be fine.

So far I’ve lost about 40 lbs in the last year. I’ve been getting rid of as many carbs as I can, but without actually counting. I May get more strict as my weight loss has slowed.
I use a lot of the various Atkins treats.
I enjoy them and never had a problem, but I don't over-consume them due to the intestinal risks of too much at once.
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I've found atkins stuff is a bit card-boardish for my taste and have stuck with other readily available and tasty trail bars, KIND in particular is pretty good.
I know there are ways around carbs and all, but still 17g for something like that seems high to me. I would not eat for the same reason those so called protein bars don't work for me.

But I don't know you or your goals. It's very much user dependent. If you are good with them, go for it.
I know there are ways around carbs and all, but still 17g for something like that seems high to me. I would not eat for the same reason those so called protein bars don't work for me.

But I don't know you or your goals. It's very much user dependent. If you are good with them, go for it.
2 net is what you look for...thats good
2 net is what you look for...thats good
That is what is sold and that is exactly my point. I personally think it’s not that clear of a divide. More fuzzy in the way some people react. Just a sweet taste in the mouth can send some people’s insulin in opposite directions
That is what is sold and that is exactly my point. I personally think it’s not that clear of a divide. More fuzzy in the way some people react. Just a sweet taste in the mouth can send some people’s insulin in opposite directions
Well I went from 268 to 150 in two years using the Atkins diet and there food and snacks and I did use the net carb as the final amount.. It worked for me and have kept the weight off for over 9 years..NET CARB is what I look for..
Well I went from 268 to 150 in two years using the Atkins diet and there food and snacks and I did use the net carb as the final amount.. It worked for me and have kept the weight off for over 9 years..NET CARB is what I look for..
Nothing wrong with that

Doesn’t work for me at all

Some people can eat fruit some can’t without BG spiking. Some people can lose weight on sweet potatoes. I eat just a little and my BG goes nuts

I look at the rack of protein bars at the store. Carb Pompeii!
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I was expecting to see a thread about apex seals and whatnot (Atkins rotary).

Anyways... those bars are decent but since they are small and taste good I end up eating more than one per meal.
... They are pretty good but a bit pricey. Trying to keep the carbs down, so how does this compare? ...
All pre-packaged foods like that are junk food in one form or another. Don't even walk down that aisle of the store, there is nothing there that you should eat. Stick to produce and other whole natural foods. It's a lifestyle change.
- "your Mom" (and we know she's right)
All pre-packaged foods like that are junk food in one form or another. Don't even walk down that aisle of the store, there is nothing there that you should eat. Stick to produce and other whole natural foods. It's a lifestyle change.
- "your Mom" (and we know she's right)
All pre-packaged foods like that are junk food in one form or another. Don't even walk down that aisle of the store, there is nothing there that you should eat. Stick to produce and other whole natural foods. It's a lifestyle change.
- "your Mom" (and we know she's right)
I've cut out most chips, cookies, cake, ice cream, bread, pizza, pasta and try to have a decent size salad with every dinner. Fruits are full of sugar so I keep them in check. Nuts have a lot of fat and calories so don't have too much either. These pre-packaged foods seem to combine the right amount of ingredients to taste good and meet a specific dietary goal that natural foods can't. I mean, only so many twigs and leaves you can eat before it gets boring.
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A lot of the low carb and reduced sugar products use acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and sucralose as sweeteners. If I understand correctly, they trick your body into thinking it consumed sugar, which in turn causes a lot of the same bad things & processes that consuming sugar triggers. It's probably best to reduce sugar & carb intake without the fake sugars.
A lot of the low carb and reduced sugar products use acesulfame potassium, aspartame, and sucralose as sweeteners. If I understand correctly, they trick your body into thinking it consumed sugar, which in turn causes a lot of the same bad things & processes that consuming sugar triggers. It's probably best to reduce sugar & carb intake without the fake sugars.
Plus, somewhere down the road they find out that junk isn't so good in other ways as well.
oh my... its like a chemical lab specimen.

so they have their own proprietary formula for net carbs - it normally is total carbs less fiber. :)