Alignment predicament

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Nov 28, 2004
Well my Z/28 ended up in a ditch a year ago. I bent the lca (could def tell it was bent). I replaced that and went to take it for an alignment. The first place told me they had trouble and to take it to sears. They said i might need to change the steering knuckle.

Sears said they ran out of adjustment on something (i think they said toe but couldve been something else) so they turned the steeringwheel and lined it up to that. They inspected my suspension and frame and said there wasn't anything obvious. The steering wheel when turned like 45degrees right goes straight.

Well i eventually got ahold of a straight steering knuckle. I am going away to school and leaving the car to my sister. I thought it would be kind to fix this problem for her because it annoys her, never bugged me. Ive driven the car for over a year that way and never had a problem, steering works, no excessive tire wear.

Should I replace the steering knuckle and take it for an alignment? I worry that by changing the steering knuckle and taking it back, they might not be able to get it right again or even aligned at all. I really would like to fix the problem. There are no tell tale signs of frame or any other suspension damage.
Been doing alignments in my shop for 8 yrs.

Best I can understand post. Your steering wheel is off 45deg when going straight? Shop that did last alignment said that was necessary to compensate for bent steering knuckle (guess that's pitman arm?)? If correct, by all means install undamaged part and have alignment reset. Should not affect anything but toe. Also gearbox will then have equal travel in both directions.

If you had made the aquaintence of the technician who did original align you could perhaps jog his memory or find him if he has changed employers.
Ok I took it to belle tire and the guy said something was a bit screwy, i told him to do it anyways. All of the measurements are in spec except:
I got a printout and everything is in spec except:

LeftFront Camber: -0.9deg Spec: -.1deg to 0.9deg
LeftFront Caster: 4.1deg Spec: 4.3deg to 5.3deg
RightFront Caster 3.5deg Spec: -.1deg to 0.9deg
Cross Camber: -1.2deg Spec: -0.7deg to 0.7deg

I think he mightve just set the toe and ignored the rest because it was the right side that was damaged. So far, I changed the lca and steering knuckle (which were both definentally tweaked.) He didn't charge me because i have a bad bearing (will replace this because i messed it up getting it out of the old steering knuckle) with some play in it. He said to change the bearing and go back. What do you think my course of action should be? Are the numbers ok to leave as they are or do i absolutely need to take it in?
When you say steering knuckle, do mean something like this?

on fbodies it is called the spindle/steering knuckle. It connects to the upper and lower control arms with balljoints and has the hub/bearing in the middle. Also connects to the tie rod end.
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