6 year old taken into custody for shooting a teacher

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
How do you take a 6 year old into custody? Do handcuffs even fit the wrists of a 6 year old. How do you question a 6 year old about a crime?

The child will need baby sitting. Will probably just cry.

Obviously where and how he got the gun is critical. If parents had a gun the kid could get his hands on the the parents should be in custody.

A six year old should always be under some kind of supervision. Parents, babysitter, teacher. I don't think you let a 6 year old walk to school on his own. Not these days anyway.
Is this a hypothetical occurrance?
No, it just happened.

How do you take a 6 year old into custody?
The same way anyone else would be under arrest.

Do handcuffs even fit the wrists of a 6 year old.
Traditional cuffs; no. Flexcuffs; yes.

How do you question a 6 year old about a crime?
With parent or guardian present. Any LE entitity large enough to have a sex-crimes division has someone who's adept with dealing with kids.

Obviously where and how he got the gun is critical. If parents had a gun the kid could get his hands on the the parents should be in custody.
Agreed. If there is evidence of criminal intent or criminal negligence, in which case the parents would be seperately charged.

A six year old should always be under some kind of supervision. Parents, babysitter, teacher.
We're talking about a 1st grade child in the traditional sense. You'd have to define what "some kind of supervision" means. Developmentally, there are many things they can do without supervision, but a "follow up" is often warranted. For example, going to the bathroom. Or making a sandwich. Etc.

I don't think you let a 6 year old walk to school on his own. Not these days anyway.
Most don't, but some still do. I have a friend who lived behind his local suburban elementary, and they made their kids walk to school through the yard. And in some urban areas, the walk is very short; I have another friend in Chicago where they walk to school.

I think was concerns me (past the obvious horror of the topic) is how does a child that young gets enough rage AND intent, where he/she is now motivated to do such an act? This was a preplanned event; this took some amount of thinking. This wasn't a case of a child playing with a gun and accidentally shooting a sibling. This was murder; a killing with intent. A whole lot of other questions now arise. Is the child developmentally retarded, where a sense of right/wrong not present? Is the child develpmentally advanced, where these mature decisions are made? Is the child developmentally compromised; a psychopath? Etc, etc, etc ....
This is sad on so many levels. I just can’t imagine what could be going on in this child’s mind to lead to this.
How do you take a 6 year old into custody? Do handcuffs even fit the wrists of a 6 year old. How do you question a 6 year old about a crime?

The child will need baby sitting. Will probably just cry.

Obviously where and how he got the gun is critical. If parents had a gun the kid could get his hands on the the parents should be in custody.

A six year old should always be under some kind of supervision. Parents, babysitter, teacher. I don't think you let a 6 year old walk to school on his own. Not these days anyway.
When I was 6 I walked to school everyday except the first day when my mother took me.
This was in another country. we stayed out until the streetligths came on.
Riding the bus I started at 7 and it was a bit scary then but it helped independence.
everything was just fine.

This epidemic of children "needing supervision" until they are well into their teens has caused a uge pool of dependeent and easy to manipulate young adults.
Good old Norfolk, Virginia, yesterday. They're pregnant at 10 or murderers at 6. I agree with Donald - how does something like this happen?

BTW, the teacher was in critical but stable condition the last I heard.
Modern western society. Hell even Mexico isn't this bad in child murderers and pregnancies and that soil's run by a quasi surface government with the drug lords being the true government who know no god but only the devil.
I'd love to see the stats over time. I say this not as a rebuke, but just plain interest.
EXAMPLE: If there were several child murderers, there'd be gushy, paniced discussions on the news about it.
The producers wouldn't be able to resist.
Except the Mexican government can't be trusted to give real stats and the fbi and cdc are manipulating the statistics so i trust them very little now.
This is a failure of the parents, or some other "adult" (I use that term loosely) who allowed that 6 year old to get a firearm. Firearm owners have a legal and moral obligation to keep them secured from unauthorized people, whether children, untrained adults, or anyone else. Whoever that is bears responsibility for this crime.

Incidentally, there is firearm safety training for kids. For example the NRA has a program called Eddie Eagle that teaches "stop, don't touch, leave the area, tell an adult". I think this is generally useful, though perhaps not in this case which seems a crime of intent, not accident.
Lets wait for the facts on where the gun came from first. We can guess and probably be correct but I will wait for the facts before placing guilt.
The same way anyone else would be under arrest.

Traditional cuffs; no. Flexcuffs; yes.

With parent or guardian present. Any LE entitity large enough to have a sex-crimes division has someone who's adept with dealing with kids.

Agreed. If there is evidence of criminal intent or criminal negligence, in which case the parents would be seperately charged.

I would think you do NOT handcuff a 6 year old. They pose no threat.

I am sure they would be remanded to DCF and then any "interrogation" would be done in a specific manner with a child psychiatrist and guardian and lawyer present.

This is a young child not a pre teen or young adult. Possessing only the most rudimentary social skills

Only the parents or guardian are initially indictable here
I would think you do NOT handcuff a 6 year old. They pose no threat.

I am sure they would be remanded to DCF and then any "interrogation" would be done in a specific manner with a child psychiatrist and guardian and lawyer present.

This is a young child not a pre teen or young adult. Possessing only the most rudimentary social skills

Only the parents or guardian are initially indictable here
Juveniles brought in front of the desk officer are cuffed like any one else charged with a crime. Only difference is they are kept in a room away from adult prisoners.
I hope this teacher does not end up with life changing physical injury. I hope she and her family get help with the life changing psyclogical injury.

This kid is a great risk of having his life ruined and wasted. So sad. He is not guilty he is a victim also, his needs were not met. There are actual criminals that allowed this to happen and they need charged and convicted.
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