05 ion

Jan 4, 2023
So years ago my cousin got married, and her husband gave me a wrecked Saturn ion. I passed it on to some friends who needed it. friends wore out the shocks, cracked the oil pan, replaced the oil pan (engine's still fine) and a few years later they gave the car back to me. It doesn't start or crank. No communication between dashboard and exam and bcm, scanner won't connect to ecm or bcm. I'm going to check all the fuses, clean all the grounds, etc. This car is just a free beater that's been passed around between friends and family for a few years now, so I'll most likely give it to a different set of cousins and see if they can kill it
They don't know a thing about cars

I'm lucky if I can get them to check their oil occasionally
Not clear on intent here. Is there a question as to, where should I start to look to find out ___?