How do you usually pay for things?

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Mar 17, 2008
The younger generation are huge debit card users. I am more of a cash, debit card and check guy. In order of amount of use, what do you use?

As I stated above I use cash slightly more than my debit card and then usually use checks for bills.
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Everything goes on our Citi card, no matter how much it costs, and paid off before any interest charges. When we have enough points we'll order a $100 card for Homedepot or Lowes, usually two or three times a year.
I noticed at a local fast, but good, food place the person at the till would always set up the transaction as a credit card tap. If you said “cash” she or he would cancel it and change it to cash. Cash was slowing them down. I usually tap.
Cash almost exclusively locally, gas food shopping etc. Amazon is my biggest CC usage, and its paid off immediately.
Local Stores .... Cash
Gas Station ..... C C

Utility bills ... Auto pay

By paying (utility & other) bills online,
I save about 26.00 per year in postage-stamps
know right away that bill has been paid.
A mix
CC for most purchases. It gives you rights and redress methods.
Checks for mailed in bill paying.
CASH for local things like restaurants, dry cleaners, cars.
NEVER use the debit card except for access to the bank machine.
Buyer protection on my Chase debit is as good as a CC.

Debit everything. Never cash.

Balancing my checkbook and storing my receipts is now my banks burden and not mine. Welcome to the digital age! They even send me SMS spending alerts. You'd have to be an idiot to go in debt.
I use whichever CC I have that gives me the maximum cash back percentage. I don't mess with cards that have rotating categories and variable cash back rates because I don't want to exert that much mental effort paying for things. As long as you don't incur finance charges - which I don't - you're leaving money on the table if you use cash or debit.

It's kinda funny that I get a better rate on the money I spend than I do on the money I save.
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