Who knew or did we ever care?

Dec 27, 2009

40 years ago I took college math, but I never once thought about other ancient civilizations mathamatical abilities...so here is a brief insight...................

40 years ago I took college math, but I never once thought about other ancient civilizations mathamatical abilities...so here is a brief insight...................
Enjoyable and informative article - thank you! The Base 60 stuff is very interesting.
There is a general assumption people in general were not as smart 4000 years ago. Given some of our advantages in nutrition and wider schooling, I almost think on average we, on the individual level have declined.

Sure, a general average person back then would be just as baffled by decimal as someone now with sexagesimal.

This is one example. I was told a slave can use this thing to lift massive tonnage of stones, 2000 years ago. Roman empire was powerful because of all the infrastructure and logistic power, not just their military might.
all the modern math can be traced back to those people.
I suppose the Egyptians used some form of math to build the pyramids
some type of math more complex than just piling blocks until it looks done.
the Romans too. their stuff still stands.
I think it still boils down to a few great thinkers make the most of it
and the rest just follow along.
well if 2+2 is still equal to 4 at this late date, I'm good to go...................lol