What kind of snacks do you keep in the shop?

Apr 1, 2020
Pacific Northwest
What kind of snacks do you all keep out in the shop? I'd like to up my game, so to speak.

For times when the estrogen is flowing a little too freely in the house, I have a little cabinet that I have stocked with some tea bags, instant coffee and usually some instant cup noodles. I purposely do not have a beer fridge out there.

The only cooking appliance I have out there is a electric kettle, but have thought about a microwave.
A fridge with water bottles is always nice to have on hot days. My detached garage is 150' from the house, so having a cold water within arms reach during hot, greasy job is welcome. I generally don't keep food in the garage, but my first thought would be some trail mix. Probably keep it in the fridge to keep the rodents out of it, though.
Nothing as I don’t have a garage but I do have a basement that stores all my shop equipment and is usually where I spend most of my time and the kitchen is right above it where I have beer, chocolate milk and lemonade at all times. As well as water, Mtn Dew and Mtn Dew Baja Blast. For snacks Little Debbie brownies and pop tarts and apple sauce on hand at all times. Occasionally other stuff too but always have those things on hand. All I have to do is carry it down the steps. I’d like to get a fridge for down there but that requires cleaning it out completely lol. No food kept downstairs or the dog would tear the house down trying to find it lol. She got my bag of combos the other day when I was out fixing a car.
None. I have a 19 CF GE garage ready refrigerator in my garage that remains unplugged I could make use of. I chose it because of the garage ready rating being able to cope with the heat. Paid $600 new for it last year. Only purchased because we had to wait on the fridge we ordered.