Think cell phones should be banned while driving?

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So I'm in the minority here...I guess none of you think cell phone use while driving is a problem, even though stats show it now kills more people than drunk drivers do...
Originally Posted By: grampi
So I'm in the minority here...I guess none of you think cell phone use while driving is a problem, even though stats show it now kills more people than drunk drivers do...

I have no problem with hands free calling. Texting is illegal in Ohio, and other states, and it should be.

Distracted driving is already illegal. You even said, why make more laws? I've heard a lot of people make the claim about cell phone use while driving being responsible for more deaths than alcohol, yet I can't find any proof. I found a bunch of studies that claim it's just as dangerous, but it doesn't kill as many people.

This article claims 3,000 deaths were caused by texting while driving. Again, it claims it's more dangerous,(and it is) but the numbers say other wise.

This article claims over 10,000 died in alcohol related driving accidents.

Over three times as many people died in alcohol related accidents as did in cell phone related accidents.
I see more people driving in plexiotomy mode these days than ever before. If it's not cell phones it will be something else. While I don't dispute the rationale behind the cell phone and texting bans I do recognize that they are virtually unenforceable. That means that they will rely upon compliance. So, why not? The small percentage of drivers who will comply is probably still a better situation than leaving it "legal." Overall, the time spent considering these laws may be a waste of time.
This reminds me that I have heard that talking to other people in the car and even listening to the radio have been proven distracting. Let's ban talking in the car. I'd like to see that one enforced.

Officer: Do you know why I pulled you over?
Driver: Uh, no, why?
Officer: I saw your lips moving.
Originally Posted By: grampi
I do, and it should be nationwide, and it should be ALL cell phone use, not just texting. Why do I feel this way? I spend a lot of time on the road and I see a lot of bad and dangerous driving by people messing around with cell phones. Our roadways are dangerous enough without all the distractions that take place inside the vehicle...if someone can convince me there's a good reason for using a cell phone while driving I'll certainly consider that view, but I can't think of a single reason why it's necessary...

I agree. Driving should be about driving not talking on the phone, text messaging, facebook, twitter, eating, reading newspapers, women putting on makeup and so on. My sister in law is almost running of the road on a regular basis doing these things, its just a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
Hands free is apparently not an alternative.
As the growth of suburban sprawl continues and commute times get longer you WILL see more of this. Part of it is people multitasking to avoid "productivity loss." The rest is just going to be due to the fight against having one's discretionary time reduced by commitment time.

If that sounds weird just think about it a bit. Of course, there are some who just procrastinate too much to do their makeup at home, or just can't stand to spend two minutes not communicating with someone else. For those, there is no help and no law that will help.
Big news in MD, using a handheld device in MD is now a primary offense. So now you can be pulled over for it and with no other reason.

It's about time. I talk on the phone a fair amount while in the car, but I always use my bluetooth speaker that is clipped on the visor. Answering is just a single button on the speaker.

I have serious doubts that this will truly be enforced though.
If you're a lousy driver, you'll be even worse on the cell phone. I have seen some pretty horrible driving behaviors from those on cell phones. But, my judgmental personality says that these morons will talk on the phone, legally or not.

Cops need to drive around in regular cars and pull people over for the stupid stuff. Sitting on the side of the road in marked cars writing speeding tickets doesn't do . If people thought they were actually going to get stopped for doing stupid things MAYBE they would do less of it. Just a stretch, but the current state of traffic enforcement is there for nothing other than revenue generation.
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Bans are not going to be enforceable and might make things even worse with people holding their phones down low to avoid visual detection. You can't fix stupid.
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