The 25 Greatest Songs Of All Time

Also, Flowers of Evil was an interesting commentary of the plight of returning veterans before that was talked about...
Master of Puppets is the best metal song ever so it probably should be in the top 25 all songs ever.

Bonus points for this version played live in England rain.
"You know the show is successful when the crowd sings the guitar solo"

It's hard to believe that nobody mentioned Derek and the Dominos (Clapton and Duane Allman) 'Layla''s a better song than over 20 of those listed in the OP. 'Sweet Home Alabama' by Lynard Skynard is also a great song along with their hit 'Freebird' which was on the list.
First off the Beatles - dont deserve to have 4 songs on the list - terrible song writing.
Bob Dylan - cannot sing - pretty good at song writing.
Notorious BIG - Seriously
The Who - love them...... but they have alot better songs than "My Generation"
The Clash - Never heard London Calling
Big fan of the Toccata and Fugue in D Minor myself; Still a crowd favorite 300+ years after it was released.
I am not sure if J.S. even composed the Tocatta, Doesn't really sound Bach-ish

Bach? Give me the celebrated music of heaven where angels ride about upon the puffy clouds.
I much prefer Abbado's blazing fast metre and light direction. Start at 5 min 53 seconds in

Best 25 songs of all time? Please (uttered in disgust); as if humanity can ever agree on anything. I can't even limit myself to my "favorite" 25 songs in any genre, let alone "of all time".

This thread's contribution to society? The ability to be never ending ...
Best 25 songs of all time? Please (uttered in disgust); as if humanity can ever agree on anything. I can't even limit myself to my "favorite" 25 songs in any genre, let alone "of all time".

This thread's contribution to society? The ability to be never ending ...
Yes, but perhaps a few members might check out a song or 2 they are not familiar with. Ya never know...