Test, Please Ignore this email

Apr 27, 2010
Suburban Washington DC
Been getting a few of these messages the last few weeks from debug/at/mailbackupservice/dot/com saying,

Sorry. Please ignore the emails. It is testing only. Our customer is having troubles to send you emails and we are debugging what might have caused the problem.

Is this some scam, virus or malware attempting to install on my computer? Anybody else getting them? The language is a bit broken English.
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I'd guess it's some sort of scam. That domain is at least not in use for any sort of website. I'd send it straight to spam. Do that a couple times and most email providers will start sending all of them to spam instead of your inbox.
So what's the scam? No links to click and unless I reply they don't know I read it, just that it didn't bounce back.
My guess is that if you reply, or even load an external asset like an image, you've in essence validated your email addresses both as "real" and as "actively monitored", which will add a lot more value to that address on the spam market.
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Possible they are investigating an issue albeit rare and doing test sends.

I write that kind of subject when testing mass sends of email I do not intend to go out but just in case.

I have mistakenly sent 120k emails out at work .