Tesla just laid off entire new vehicle team and supercharging team

The Internet is a government creation, NASA, etc.
Ya but the system which created the internet as we know it today wasn't created so that any random can communicate with another random. The primary purpose was military. NASA was in part military.
Ya but the system which created the internet as we know it today wasn't created so that any random can communicate with another random. The primary purpose was military. NASA was also military
Yes, so? Numerous examples from LADA's homeland were none of that was achieved. Not that they did not try.
Well, how do you think Tesla lost 60% of traditional customers? They found out daily rants about immigrants, discussions about great replacement etc. as problematic. So, once he is out, he could fit there with no problems.
Only problem I see would be whether his cybertruck could travel out into the woods for their "secret" meetings.
A lot of cool stuff we use every day is government projects.
GPS is a great example. However most of these projects were repurposed for civilian use. Tesla was the anointed one, too big to fail in part because of the GHG policy goal and SpaceX.

Now if we can only get hold of those UFO power cells that Dr. Greer keeps saying the MIC has been hiding for decades. <sarc>
Well, how do you think Tesla lost 60% of traditional customers? They found out daily rants about immigrants, discussions about great replacement etc. as problematic. So, once he is out, he could fit there with no problems.
I get what your angle is, but that's a bit of a stretch even then. Do not take this as defense of Elon though, he's definitely not a level headed individual.

There are also a lot of crappy government projects, like Tesla :)
Government project? What?
I get what your angle is, but that's a bit of a stretch even then. Do not take this as defense of Elon though, he's definitely not a level headed individual.

Government project? What?
I spent most of my life researching that subject. I was involved in, let’s say, legal proceedings against some of the worst human scumb on this planet. They all start like that, and one common theme is: it is stretch, it is just show off, it is populism etc.
It is well researched subject, and he fits perfectly there.
I am dead serious what I said, and wasn’t meant to be joke.

As for govt. Project, just answering to the statement.
Tesla won the EV charging station wars, they can rest on their laurels a bit. Pretty sure Elon has it under control. The guy sends rockets to space and manufactures one of the best selling vehicles in the US. The anti-Musk media is blowing this up as another hit piece, it will mean nothing long term.
Tesla won the EV charging station wars, they can rest on their laurels a bit. Pretty sure Elon has it under control. The guy sends rockets to space and manufactures one of the best selling vehicles in the US. The anti-Musk media is blowing this up as another hit piece, it will mean nothing long term.
You can look at it that way, or you can look at it as they are forced to open up to use all the capacity they build up and "cash out".
You can look at it that way, or you can look at it as they are forced to open up to use all the capacity they build up and "cash out".
Or they can let others help build out the infrastructure. Here in CA there's lotsa Superchargers; not so in other parts of the country.
Opportunity to maximize factory utilization. What if they come up with the $25K EV? With more charging capability, the cars could fly off the mfg lines.
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Tesla isnt going to fail, it's just settling into the EV market. The fantasy of something new and media darling now facing reality. No one can predict the future but we can see the American public at large is not ready for high priced, inconvenient compact cars in huge numbers. This would have happened much faster if the taxpayer wasnt supporting the industry.
The Chinese can buy cheap tiny EVs not much more than what the US taxpayer pays $7,500 to everyone to buy an EV here in the USA>

Interesting times, an experiment with your money into promoting an idea and agenda full of holes with no calculation on the cost it extracts. If the industry was left on its own for people to buy the product that they want Tesla might have had a stronger foundation, also the legacy makers would have spent less R&D on development and let the true market decide how many and how much market penetration EV would make.

The flood of excess capacity has come years faster than I thought and I thought I was always the doom and gloom guy. EV will be here for ever but not accepted as the promoters thought.
Has anyone seen Sandy Munro’s video on this topic on the Munro Live YouTube channel?

Dude’s losing it.