Tesla Christmas Road Trip - Battery needed frequent re-charging - Range Estimates were 50% to 69% off

I think a big issue is the charging at home. Yet to owners that have one it’s the best thing.

Some think it’s easy as just saying it. There are many older homes that can not be set up to charge for any reasonable price. Over 10 grand due to many many things needing upgrading or changed. There might be a solution at some point like that place on meter item. But real world some homes just can’t do it with existing set up.
It may be slow but they still charge on 120V. We've been able to keep up with it for the last year. It's still been fine but I'm finally upgrading mine soon. I got lucky when I looked at my junction box to find I already had 240V in my garage. I'm just waiting on the quote itself for install of the plug and should have it installed before the end of the month.
Why do you deny a fact based multi state trip on video then? All you have are words actually banned abbreviations in BITOG you used to describe the OP Road Test.
Sorry but road trip test reports (AND PERSONAL experiences with any vehicle) are part of the forum, just because you do not like what is being reported cannot be labeled political. You present as you having the agenda.
AG, the video is factual. But what meaningful information can you glean from it? The guy didn't even know how to start the car, how to charge and who knows what else.

That's my point. The video is a puff piece at best.
I think a big issue is the charging at home. Yet to owners that have one it’s the best thing.

Some think it’s easy as just saying it. There are many older homes that can not be set up to charge for any reasonable price. Over 10 grand due to many many things needing upgrading or changed. There might be a solution at some point like that place on meter item. But real world some homes just can’t do it with existing set up.
I tell perspective EV owners this very thing. "How ya gonna charge?" I installed solar primarily for the house with the idea that I might own an EV one day. I ask people if they have 240v in the garage, if they have room in their service panel, etc. If they cannot answer I tell them they had better talk to an electrician first.

The #1 reason people go back to ICE is charging problems.
Tesla lowered range estimates for its vehicles. New government regulations. I figured this post ties in with the subject.

“Tesla has historically issued range estimates that overstate what its cars can deliver, prompting widespread complaints from customers, according to some automotive testing experts and a Reuters investigation last year.“

There is also a short video here, but I think you need an apple device to watch the video. I forgot about the algorithm scandal that was exposed last year.
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My 70 LS6 Corvette got 4 to 6 mpg. Maybe. CRR engine code.
The CRR was "LS-6 SHP" used in the 1970 Chevelle and available as a crate motor from 1970 to 1972, I believe. Crate motors did not have the Vin stamped. 450HP 454 engine with TurboHydro 400. Low rise aluminum manifold and Holley 780 3310 vacuum secondary as I recall.
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Still not in line with this story is it? At 69% off we should rate my car 85 miles!
Maybe someone else can try to explain the difference or you can watch the video over and read my comments.:)
The two have nothing to do with the other. Well, one thing in common distance falls short of what Tesla says (after its scandals its being forced to change the claims) and real world multistate cold weather ride by a consumer.
Maybe someone else can try to explain the difference or you can watch the video over and read my comments.:)
The two have nothing to do with the other. Well, one thing in common distance falls short of what Tesla says (after its scandals its being forced to change the claims) and real world multistate cold weather ride by a consumer.
I’ve driven in -20F and didn’t lose 69% of range. Either this video is a hit piece or something is legitimately wrong with that particular car. That’s what happened to the F150 towing video Tyler Hoover did. The range was way worse than worst case estimates and the battery then completely bricked less than a month later. That truck had serious issues. I don’t see how the numbers they got here were possible if that wasn’t the case.

I don’t think you need any other convincing that you don’t want an EV. I’m a little lost on why you’ve expended so much energy on this now that you’ve decided you’re no longer considering an EV. That’s a good thing, we want to research our purchases but I rely on instrumented testing with repeatable results, not a random video from a Fox News story from a guy that said he didn’t know what he was doing. Again, I question the video so it doesn’t really matter the commentary about the video. I disagree with what you gleaned from it. I mean no offense.
I saw a white Highland in my neighborhood last Sunday early morning. Roadster front and T E S L A across the back; no fake Shanghai emblem. I figured Fremont was about to deliver. I might see if the store has one on display.

I have my sights on the Performance... But our car is still perfect.
No performance model on the highland for now. It looks like a mediocre upgrade at best. Eh a little better looks but according to Tesla "Ambient lighting, a rear tablet, no turn signal stalk (less isn't better Elmo) rear ventilated seats, and more cameras seems like alot of hoopla for what's essentially a minor upgrade. Oh and top speed was significantly reduced but that really won't likely effect American consumers vs German buyers.
No performance model on the highland for now. It looks like a mediocre upgrade at best. Eh a little better looks but according to Tesla "Ambient lighting, a rear tablet, no turn signal stalk (less isn't better Elmo) rear ventilated seats, and more cameras seems like alot of hoopla for what's essentially a minor upgrade. Oh and top speed was significantly reduced but that really won't likely effect American consumers vs German buyers.
It's definitely mid cycle refresh feeling. Hopefully the Performance is pushed to another level. There seems to be a thing for the US where manufacturers have decided consumers don't want to pay for higher speed rated tires. We see lesser rated tires in the US with speed limiters restricted to the tire's limits. I do wonder if our tire market is different than others. I made sure to check that I had high enough speed rated tires on my car before tuning and removing the limiter. I'm pretty sure a stage 1 GTI isn't going to exceed 186mph so I should be good to go.
It's definitely mid cycle refresh feeling. Hopefully the Performance is pushed to another level. There seems to be a thing for the US where manufacturers have decided consumers don't want to pay for higher speed rated tires. We see lesser rated tires in the US with speed limiters restricted to the tire's limits. I do wonder if our tire market is different than others. I made sure to check that I had high enough speed rated tires on my car before tuning and removing the limiter. I'm pretty sure a stage 1 GTI isn't going to exceed 186mph so I should be good to go.
My impression from Musk was that the "Highland" was supposed to be "all-new."
My impression from Musk was that the "Highland" was supposed to be "all-new."
It technically is, but it doesn't look like it from a glance. The body style didn't change much and all the controls are new. I don't feel like they changed enough though to not make it feel like a midcycle refresh.
AG, the video is factual. But what meaningful information can you glean from it? The guy didn't even know how to start the car, how to charge and who knows what else.

That's my point. The video is a puff piece at best.
Fox has become the torch bearer of right-wing populism force feeding the intellectually lazy. Yellow Journalism going back to the days of O'Reilly. Such a disappointment because I expected them to act like the adults in the room. Unfortunately that doesn't translate into increased viewership.
Fox has become the torch bearer of right-wing populism force feeding the intellectually lazy. Yellow Journalism going back to the days of O'Reilly. Such a disappointment because I expected them to act like the adults in the room. Unfortunately that doesn't translate into increased viewership.
Don’t write it and we’ll do it live!
My impression from Musk was that the "Highland" was supposed to be "all-new."
The drive train for the Std and Long Range cars is the same. Much of the car is changed, seats, tablet, suspension.
I want to see what they do with the Performance. Just might be special, beyond blinding acceleration. We'll see.

For now our Model 3 has grown on me; I really like the car despite its short comings. A car this expensive should have blind spot mirror lights, at the least.
It sounds silly, but no key, no starting, just get in and go becomes 2nd nature. I think I'm spoiled.
And no expensive CA gas, full tank in the AM and no gas station stops except when going over 200 miles in a day has to be experienced to be appreciated.
The drive train for the Std and Long Range cars is the same. Much of the car is changed, seats, tablet, suspension.
I want to see what they do with the Performance. Just might be special, beyond blinding acceleration. We'll see.

For now our Model 3 has grown on me; I really like the car despite its short comings. A car this expensive should have blind spot mirror lights, at the least.
It sounds silly, but no key, no starting, just get in and go becomes 2nd nature. I think I'm spoiled.
And no expensive CA gas, full tank in the AM and no gas station stops except when going over 200 miles in a day has to be experienced to be appreciated.
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I get some people like their Teslas great. My dad rented a model Y for the week last October. The voice commands rarely worked, removing basic functions that have worked for decades should be illegal (i.e the dash in front of the driver). The tablet is tacky (looks like a last minute addition and is distracting) The Spartan interior is just a way for Tesla to spin "improvements " while giving you less. I've never been impressed with anything that Tesla has done. The interior wasn't comfortable, the ride was terrible and I've ridden in plenty of sports cars with low profile tires. I can't fathom giving money to an unethical company ran by a drug addict ( look at the new articles coming out, and it's not good). Look at how many Tesla owners have complained about range issues to have their appointments cancelled. Musk swore at the Cybertruck delivery 200k a year would be easy to crank out. Apparently he never shows up at Tesla and has no clue what's really going on. With Tesla deciding on an unproven dry coating the batteries that engineers are saying is causing alot of waste is limiting cybertruck production to 24,000 a year. I worked for an independent dealership that purchased a less-than-one-year old model x under warranty. The passenger side door wouldn't latch. Tesla promised early on "Free towing to the nearest service center". Tesla told my boss to shove it they wouldn't cover the tow fee and the dealership had to eat the repair costs. This left a nasty taste in my mouth about Tesla as a whole.
How many news sources does one need to accept a fact?
In this OP thread is mentioned Fox, on camera screen shots. Statements from Business Today, Reuters. Instead of baseless accusations on the source, why not do your own research?

Kind of scary the willingness of those to view a true life experience in an EV and make uneducated remarks about the source based on nothing.
I dont know but I tend to look at those in here as more informed and intelligent then the general public but comments from some in here are borderline scary how jaded we can become based on nothing.

Its an undeniable fact, EVs lose range in cold weather, its a fact, the Fox News story is a real life experience so instead of trashing the news story why dont those research on there own to show there is no issues in cold weather.
*LOL* My god, Tesla was caught with their pants down using algorithms to exaggerate mileage and the link posted in here from CNN.
All I can say is wow, this is a perfect example of "you can bring a horse to water but you cant make him drink"

This stuff is all over the place, do your homework. Ok, so here is another source to trash, go ahead keep denying and buy that EV for long range trips in the winter. I am telling you now, all of those discounting the facts, they wont be taking them on trips either.
@demarpaint BTW- CNN did a story and I posted it in here about the scandal at Tesla, INTENTIONALLY creating an algorithm to mislead the public with false range numbers. All news sources report this.

Fella's open your minds to learn - (I'll do my best to help) Here are test results of THOUSANDS of EVs.
Here is the source but I included a photo of a loose summary because I have no faith those who comment actually follow through reading or watching anything provided in this thread. So click the link, information and education is good.

DIrect quote, but this isnt just Tesla-

"Tesla models seem to be the worst offenders when comparing the observed winter range to the original EPA range"

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