Repair Manuals - Operation Charm

Jul 13, 2003
Tracy, CA
I never heard of this site before. Came across Charm from a thread on BAT Auto Technical:

Operation: Charm is a website that hosts free access to repair manuals, labor and parts info, etc. Might be useful for some members.

No strings attached? Yeah only that nasty computer virus ? ???
Nothing is free, someone has to pay to upkeep the website.
Does it have ad's ?
Wow! I am impressed with the level of information they include....and I use OEM, ProDemand and AllData so that is a complement to the Charm.
Enjoy it while it lasts…the first rule of Fight Club is?

IME, the OEMs don't usually have a problem with EPCs being put online by third parties, but the repair doc sites eventually get flagged and shut down for copyright violations. Especially when they charge fees for access to their own official service portals.

Lichtenstein is a party to international copyright agreements.