Rant: Why do people use garbage tires in snow?

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Originally Posted By: bvance554
Typical I know how to drive better than you, I have better tires than you... if you can't drive as fast as me then stay home rant. If you're that guy riding up my a$$ while i'm taking my time driving down the road, don't judge my driving and tell me what I need to be doing. Everyone says oh its not me I'm worried about, its everyone else. Well maybe you're that guy (not the OP, just speaking in general). When conditions are bad just worry about yourself and not what everyone else is doing. Remove yourself from their equation.

In California Interstate Highways have the sign "Slower Traffic Keep Right", 2-lane state highways have this sign "Slower Traffic Use Turn Out" and "Turn Out Next 1/4 Miles". Those signs are Black on White so they are traffic laws, but many drivers just ignore it.

If you like to drive much slower than speed limit(35-40 MPH with 55 MPH limit) on 2-lane highway with no passing allowed, and there are 10-20 vehicles behind you should use turn out(s) to let other drivers pass, then back to your desired speed.

Take your time, but don't hold back moving traffic, just follow the basic driving laws.
To notice and offer constructive criticism is one thing, but I think a lot of people need to let go of something that they obviously cannot change.

It's easy enough to see someone with improper equipment and criticize them, but do you really know what's going on there?

I know it sounds like a plausible theory for a person who obviously needs their car to make a living in the dead of winter to just stop driving and attempt to forage through the snow that is making it difficult for their motor vehicle to proceed in. But seriously? There are people out there right now who are just struggling to survive, and a great deal of people may have gotten invested into a nice car under better circumstances, and now things are not going so well.

If a person in this situation were to simply stop driving, they will likely not be able to work, and then they will be criticized for being unemployed, and all of the other negative assumptions that come along with that. And if they were to explain that they were not working because they could not afford snow tires, they would then be accused of being lazy and making ridiculous excuses.

So in criticizing these people, let's not assume we know everything, and let's not assume there is a simple and easy way out.
Originally Posted By: renegade_987

THANK YOU. As soon as I started reading this is what I thought. For a long while I would purchase used tires from my local tire guy. They were still technically new (Less then 3K on most sets) but I could get a set of tires for like $200 for the truck, whereas a new set would be well over $600-$800. Why did I do this? MONEY. Like mentioned the economy isn't great, and for people like me, spending that much for tires just isn't always an option

But you're thinking about your tires. That's all we ask.
Welfare bum's, fat disgusting people, idiots who don't buy snow tires, etc... BITOG the new judge and jury of the USA. BITOG Correctness, or BC, will now replace Political Correctness, or PC, as the new media buzz word.

What someone thinks here should be law/commons sense for everyone on every topic. The circumstances of the situation, which we will seldom if ever know ANYTHING about, will not matter in the least. All that matters is that the world functions to BC standards and everyone in it conforms to BITOG's view of what is right, smart, etc....

This place has really gone downhill lately!
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People just drive extra slow in bad weather it seems. Depending on your location, I really dont see a need for snow tires anyways. If the snow is too deep, a car shouldn't be the vehicle of choice or one should stay off the road. I can only think of 1 time this year when we actually had to go somewhere and my moms Elantra couldnt be used. It does great with the all season tires.

We had some pretty interesting blizzard like conditions on Saturday. You'd think people would want to drive slow, headlights on, hazards on perhaps. Nope.

Its never the bad weather that scares me. Its the fellow drivers.
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Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR

In California Interstate Highways have the sign "Slower Traffic Keep Right", 2-lane state highways have this sign "Slower Traffic Use Turn Out" and "Turn Out Next 1/4 Miles". Those signs are Black on White so they are traffic laws, but many drivers just ignore it.

If you like to drive much slower than speed limit(35-40 MPH with 55 MPH limit) on 2-lane highway with no passing allowed, and there are 10-20 vehicles behind you should use turn out(s) to let other drivers pass, then back to your desired speed.

Take your time, but don't hold back moving traffic, just follow the basic driving laws.

You expect too much; a lot of incompetent drivers believe they have the right to drive in the left lane at whatever speed they feel comfortable- which is usually 20 mph below the speed limit.
Originally Posted By: HTSS_TR
Originally Posted By: bvance554
Typical I know how to drive better than you, I have better tires than you... if you can't drive as fast as me then stay home rant. If you're that guy riding up my a$$ while i'm taking my time driving down the road, don't judge my driving and tell me what I need to be doing. Everyone says oh its not me I'm worried about, its everyone else. Well maybe you're that guy (not the OP, just speaking in general). When conditions are bad just worry about yourself and not what everyone else is doing. Remove yourself from their equation.

In California Interstate Highways have the sign "Slower Traffic Keep Right", 2-lane state highways have this sign "Slower Traffic Use Turn Out" and "Turn Out Next 1/4 Miles". Those signs are Black on White so they are traffic laws, but many drivers just ignore it.

If you like to drive much slower than speed limit(35-40 MPH with 55 MPH limit) on 2-lane highway with no passing allowed, and there are 10-20 vehicles behind you should use turn out(s) to let other drivers pass, then back to your desired speed.

Take your time, but don't hold back moving traffic, just follow the basic driving laws.

I think he's talking more about the guys flying by in the hammer lane when there is 8" of snow on the road and the idea of "lanes" is pretty much just a guess.

Or the same guy, flying by, when the road is covered in ice. Then you see him in the rhubarb 20 minutes later because he was nailed with a cross wind while on black ice and was swiftly redirected to the ditch.

Drive according to the conditions. If the roads are clear, fine. But if the roads are NOT clear, then you reduce your speed accordingly. That doesn't mean doing 50Km/hr in a 100Km/hr zone, but it may mean doing 80 or 90 if visibility is limited or if your vehicle feels sketchy above that due to gusting wind and slick surfaces.
It means whatever speed you feel safe, OVERKILL. Individual driver, within the speed limit, decides what that speed is. There is no minimum speed posted anywhere I drive.
Most people are bad drivers. The only way to fix it, is to make a drivers license harder to get, and easier to lose. People take the privilege of driving for granted. There are no consequences to their actions. Change that, and driver skill will improve.
Originally Posted By: OVERKILL
Drive according to the conditions. If the roads are clear, fine. But if the roads are NOT clear, then you reduce your speed accordingly. That doesn't mean doing 50Km/hr in a 100Km/hr zone, but it may mean doing 80 or 90 if visibility is limited or if your vehicle feels sketchy above that due to gusting wind and slick surfaces.

I agree. Drive according to road and car conditions, but also drive according to the law too.

If many cars are passing me on the right lane then I should not be on the left lane at that time. If more than 5-10 cars behind me on 2-lane with not passing zone for miles, and if I decide to go 10-15(or more) MPH slower than speed limit for whatever reason I must use turn-out(s), otherwise I'm impeding traffic.
I was rear-ended by a guy in a Jeep that couldn't slow down for an intersection (there was almost a foot of snow on the ground), he had to have been going about 35-40 when he hit me (and we were on a street that is a 25mph limit anyways). If he didn't hit me, he would have gone over an embankment and into either some large trees or a swamp.
People just need to take their time, maybe leave a couple minutes earlier, and you'll still make it to wherever you're going.
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