Quit smoking .....

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Aug 11, 2005
Leamington, ON, CA - between Detroit and Cleveland
Haven't had a cigarette all day, smoked the last one in the pack last night at 11:45pm.
Picked up the first one in '57 and it's probably time to quit. My health is pretty good and I'd like to keep it that way !!
Quit drinking almost 17 yrs ago (any friends of Bill W. out there ??) and I'm going to try to quit the weed the same way. One day at a time.
Stick with it. It is the hardest thing I ever did in my life. I quit cold turkey and have not ever had another one in my mouth. I dream of going to buy a pack and having one. BUT life is so much better without them. My hat off to you if you can hang in there.

You can do it. First 10 days are hard. But for a year, based on personal experience, you will think "hey I'm not smoking today". It's worth it though! Glad I got my sister to quit - she never stops thanking me.
I quit nearly 18 years ago-put them down on the coffee table and never picked them back up. Quite honestly it wasn't that hard. But I also made sure I stopped doing things that automatically made me reach for one as well.

For the first couple of years after I quit it wasn't a big deal to be around someone who smoked. But then it changed and I realized how awful it smelled. Now, when my wife and I visit my parents (both smokers) we wear clothing that can be washed. When we return home we strip down, wash the clothes and take showers. I never realized how nasty a habit it was until I got away from it.

The best piece of advice I can give you-be mentally ready. For about 2 months before I quit I kept telling myself how rank they tasted every time I lit one up. After a while I couldn't stand the taste of them and that made it easy to put them down.

I continued to put the money that I would have spent on them in a box in a dresser drawer for a year. At the end of the year I took it out and spent it on a very nice stereo system for myself (as a gift for making it a year). And needless to say, the health benefits are great. You'll be amazed at how much better food actually tastes in a few months.

Hey Papa Bear: I became a friend of Bill's a couple of years ago. Great guy...

I first met him about 5 years ago. Couldn't understand him at all until 2 years ago.
No turning back now.
Can't seem to get serious about quitting smoking, but it will come.
Haven't had a cigarette all day, smoked the last one in the pack last night at 11:45pm.
Picked up the first one in '57 and it's probably time to quit. My health is pretty good and I'd like to keep it that way !!
Quit drinking almost 17 yrs ago (any friends of Bill W. out there ??) and I'm going to try to quit the weed the same way. One day at a time.
I gave up the weed a couple years ago, but am yet to give up cigarettes, although I do have to quit here shortly.
Wife in Neurosurgery ward mentioned today everybody wheeled in over the last 3 weeks is a smoker (her included). So amazed is she she wants to do something about it later. If you really want to stop hang around emergency or ICU at your local hospital. Guaranteed you'll never touch another.
I smoked about 2.5 packs a day for 6 years and then finally quit in '79. What it took was I changed habits. I chewed toothpicks instead of smoking cigarettes. Amazing how satisfying it was. So much so that I chewed them for 5 years before I quit the toothpicks.

Sure glad I quit when I did because I have some heart and cholestrol issues; nothing major, just have to take several pills every day (starting to feel like an old man and I'm only 48). No need to complicate things with smokes or drinking for that matter (I drink maybe 2 beers a year).
Thanks for the toothpick idea T.P.
I'm 61 and only take 2 cholesterol pills a week along with my daily aspirin and vitamin.
I can't drink just a couple of beers, I have an alergy to alcohol. Shortly after I begin drinking, I break out in handcuffs
When she realised that my mother in-law's cancer had returned, and was terminal (see other thread), my sister in law (fortunately only through marriage) offered my mother in law some of her cigarrettes.

"Well you know the cancer is back, you may as well enjoy life as much as you can".

This from a theatre nurse.

A friend quit around 10 years ago, and put the money he would have spent on smokes into the back of his wallet.

After a few months, he took his close friends (support people) out for a wonderful meal. After a few years, he paid for his family's air fares to Italy.

Stick with it, and kudos to you for trying.
Jan. 6, 7:30pm..... STILL SMOKE FREE

Any other BITOG'ers quit New Years Eve ??

One other thing that I've been wondering about..

. Are there any girls on this forum ??
I know there are female engineers, designers, truck drivers and mechanics. Do any women frequent this forum ?? Or are all the girls like my wife, she walks by the computer and sees "Bob Is The Oil Guy" at the top of the screen. She says "I don't know what you find so interesting hour after hour, IT'S JUST MOTOR OIL"!!
The poor girl just doesn't understand

P.B. keepin' the faith
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