Professional Carpet Cleaning


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Aug 7, 2020
I'm having my carpet professionally cleaned today. I've never had someone do it for me. Are there any questions I should ask, or requests I should make? I was thinking I'd just let the guy do his thing, but maybe there's something more ...
I'd be curious, as I've been meaning to have ours done.

IIRC a coworker had his done, and IIRC the carpet cleaners were happy that there was someone there to help move furniture around.
In high school I worked for a company that half our work was carpet cleaning. Is it wet or dry? In other words, are the using the buffer style or steam cleaner?
If steam cleaner, they should shampoo it first, then go over it withe steam cleaner. Once done make sure they put something under the legs of the furniture, so they don't stain the wet carpet. We used foil or wax coated butter pads. Once we were done, we would "rake" the carpet out with a carpet rake, so it was all going the same directions.

That was a great job in high school.
I'm having my carpet professionally cleaned today.

I am too... but I'm doing it myself. I'm dry cleaning mine.... it is the only way that I'll have my carpets done.
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I had mine professionally cleaned a while back. Was not happy with the results. Bought a Hoover cleaner and now do it myself with very good results.
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I had Stanley steamer come out twice. First time was fantastic. Unfortunately the people who showed up the second time immediately appeared that they didn't want to be there.

I should have sent them away, they didn't move any furniture and the water they used stunk for days after they left. They didn't clean a pet stain I had either it was so bad I couldn't believe they were even employed by them.

So id say make sure you are upfront about helping them move furniture as needed and point out any stains that need special attention.

The carpet I bought requires cleaning by an approved company for warranty otherwise I'd do it myself.
My old 30 year old Kirby vacuum with the carpet cleaning attachment is still doing a great job.
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Thanks for all the suggestions and insight. The fellow showed up on time and did an acceptable job. I was hoping for a better result but not expecting it. I'm satisfied, and the room looks much better. The next time the carpet needs cleaning, it'll be replaced.
Be observant for brown spots after it dries. We had the company that cleaned ours come out two additional times to remove the brown spots they first created.

Something about "oxidation" of the salt solution they used?

I didn't buy their story.
Be observant for brown spots after it dries. We had the company that cleaned ours come out two additional times to remove the brown spots they first created.

Something about "oxidation" of the salt solution they used?

I didn't buy their story.
This is dirt deep in the carpet "wicking" back up as its drying. Carpet was left too wet by whomever cleaned the carpet.
The carpet cleaners should spray a pretreatment on all high traffic areas or dirty areas. Allowing it some time to work. The machine should spray hot water and then extract it. Should go over it a second time to just extract. That's the basics. The carpet should be pretty dry by the time the cleaners leave.

Some companies may have a rinse solution in the extractor machine instead of plain water.

No detergent or soap should be left on the carpet as that will attract dirt.
I'm having my carpet professionally cleaned today. I've never had someone do it for me. Are there any questions I should ask, or requests I should make? I was thinking I'd just let the guy do his thing, but maybe there's something more ...
I've dealth with professional carpet cleaners many a time when working maintenance as they'd come in to clean carpets between rentals. First they should be pre-treating the carpet in heavily trafficked areas. Two some newer companies are using an Oxi-clean type of solution that seems to work well. Three you should have all of your furniture moved before they arrive, as some places won't move or charge extra.
We purchased an older house years ago with stained carpets. We had them professionally cleaned and when finished they looked fantastic. A few months later the stains were back.
If the company uses a soapy water mixture and does not go back over with clean water to rinse out the soap, the carpet will likely get dirty again rapidly
If the company uses a soapy water mixture and does not go back over with clean water to rinse out the soap, the carpet will likely get dirty again rapidly
It's either they left soap which attracts dirt over time or they got it too wet and a day or so latter it's wicking up dirt that is deep down in the carpet. They also have to use the proper cleaner. There are cleaners for organic stains and other cleaners for more grease stains. And any cleaner with something like oxyclean only works for a few hours after mixing the water with powder. Then a new batch needs to be made.

Some carpet cleaners use a rinse chemical rather than plain water