Problems shipping UOA sample?

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Oct 20, 2002
San Diego, CA
So i took my first sample happily to the post office (even took that "nothing wrong here" letter from Blackstone's webpage) and they STILL say it's hazardous.

Funny thing was, ALL of the postal employees wanted to hear the manager tell me it was unsafe. Like they're exposing the vile oil mailer who ruins things. They told me it would ruin airplanes if it leaked. Plus they claim it was flammable (even though postal regulations say flammable is "combustable under 200F" which oils shouldn't do)

Anyone else have similar experiences? I called up the regional Rates and Classification Center and left a message. I want my oil out, but it looks like the local post office is gonna make that tough.

I did have one bottle go MIA. So I called Blackstone Labs and they told me to make sure I at least use $1.75 first class postage.

Since then, no problems. Oh yeah, I drop it in "blue box" too.
I would toss mine in the box, but then i worry about it being 'spotted' and pulled out of circulation. Then i'm out two-bucks postage and a sample.

I'm worried enough as it is, that once they agree it's non-hazardous, i'm getting a tracking number.

I have had problem as well. They always ask what it is. Then they have to check to see if it is ok. I no longer go to my local post office. I take it to the postal annex instead where the workers are more knowledgeable.
Put it into an envelope, tell 'em it's cookies for grandma. Write a nice note to the manager and tell him to go f**k himself.
I've take two oil samples to my local post office and both times I've had the same counter clerk. Each time he asked, "What's this, an oil sample? Cool" and put it in 'outgoing mail' box.
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