Prepping car when taking it to the shop

If taking the vehicle in for a programming event or any work that requires scan tool usage, make sure the battery is in good health or be prepared to be sold one.
It's in the FSMs I've seen that when this happens the tech is supposed to supply a 12 volt charger.
I do remove tools, no need to do a he said she said.

Anyone who thinks dealers are honest, no one has serviced my 2007 except bmw and me. The factory tools are gone, not much to the tool kit, but gone. I had to go online to see what they even were. Just remove them to avoid possibility of theft
In reality, most anything they could find, personal information related, is likely already on my work order. I just clean up and make sure it's presentable. Like my home, if I have a guest, I'm going to make sure it's tidy. Oh, and I leave the wheel lock on the console.
I keep my truck pretty clean in general but I make sure it is clean when I take it in(pretty rare for me to take it in, do most myself) and since it’s a oil patch truck I wash the undercarriage so they don’t have to deal with mud falling on them while it’s on the lift.

Also I’m hoping that if they see the truck is well cared for they might also care for it well? Who knows on that.
I always wash the outside and clean the interior as best as I can. It may not matter, but I figure that anyone working on it may see that I take good care of it and they might be less likely to be careless.

I always leave any wheel removal tools in plain sight in the cup holder.
I always wash the outside and clean the interior as best as I can. It may not matter, but I figure that anyone working on it may see that I take good care of it and they might be less likely to be careless.

I always leave any wheel removal tools in plain sight in the cup holder.
Shouldn’t it be the opposite…dealer cleans car when it’s in for service as a courtesy ….interesting
I'll clean it up inside and out, that's about it.

How shady of an area do you have to live in to remove the darn EZPass? Mines been attached to my windshield forever. Any change for parking meters has never been touched either. Guys do their work and move the vehicle out.
I'll clean it up inside and out, that's about it.

How shady of an area do you have to live in to remove the darn EZPass? Mines been attached to my windshield forever. Any change for parking meters has never been touched either. Guys do their work and move the vehicle out.
I just remembered being in college and my buddy had a sweet Pontiac Firebird formula, with 16” Ronal rims. He had it serviced at a Mobil station and they joyrode in his car. He confronted the station who denied it. He found Trojans and women’s underwear.

He got the last laugh when he said I guess you don’t need these sunglasses then.
Shouldn’t it be the opposite…dealer cleans car when it’s in for service as a courtesy ….interesting
You so right / that is how it once was. Now you can barely get them to set the proper air pressure even when it is in for tire work.
It is pathetic at many places. I always do a walk around when picking it up when ready. Right away some of the mechs seem to look
angry when I am doing that. Once I noticed every stem cap was missing. So I flagged the guy who worked on it and confronted him
about it. He got flustered and pulled them out his pocket and installed them while I then realized "you better check for your lug lock key"
that was left in the console as always. Of course before he finished putting my caps back on I already knew my key was missing. He jumped up after the last cap to run off for his smoke break and I unfortunatley had to stop him again and ask "where on earth is my
key for the lug locks?
my own personal one I left for you in the console to use?" To be honest by this time I was still trying my best to be polite. Again, his face grew red and pained and he pulled it out of his pocket and almost tossed it to me and then he ran off to the smoke pad. I knew the manager well at that time and I told her about it and she said "Sam, I am so sorry. I can not even open the doors some days that so many either do not show up or file in and hour late to some calling in sick or just up and quit as soon as they get ONE paycheck." Oh yeah. From what I have seen at these places I remove every single personal item from the car that I can.
Don’t think I have done anything other take anything out that I might immediately need. Will lock the doors, which is ironic, when I pick the car up, sometimes it is unlocked with the keys in the visor, lol. Well that is for local shops, dealer lot is different, but since I don’t go there anymore, not a concern.
I rarely go to a shop unless it is for a state inspection or something I don't have the time to do due a business obligation. If I do go to a shop anything of value gets taken out, I make a note of the miles on the vehicle and make sure they only have the keys to the vehicle. The house key comes off the key ring.
I keep my vehicles relatively clean and neat but in the rare instances I use a shop it's going in clean.
I did home service for decades so here is the view of a technician, cleanliness dictates the quality of service.
Slobs abuse equipment way more than not and in many cases create the issue. When in France do as the French.
Clean unit demands extra care, customer cares about their unit and it shows and tech will appreciate better working area.
I do not worry about the house key, action plans are in place.
I keep my vehicles relatively clean and neat but in the rare instances I use a shop it's going in clean.
I did home service for decades so here is the view of a technician, cleanliness dictates the quality of service.
Slobs abuse equipment way more than not and in many cases create the issue. When in France do as the French.
Clean unit demands extra care, customer cares about their unit and it shows and tech will appreciate better working area.
I do not worry about the house key, action plans are in place.
I used to be a phone guy. When I replaced them I would leave the plastic film on the screen to indicate this is brand new. One time, a lady hugged me, it was hilarious. Like right out of a direct tv commercial