Popeye the Sailor Man


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Aug 7, 2020


His real name was Frank "Rocky" Fiegel. He was born in 1868 in Poland and, as a child, immigrated to the United States with his parents, who settled down in a small town in Illinois. As a young man, Rocky went to sea. After a 20-year career as a sailor in the Merchant Marines, Fiegel retired.

He was later hired by Wiebusch's Tavern in the city of Chester, Illinois as a ‘Bouncer’ to maintain order in the rowdy bar. Rocky quickly developed a reputation for always being involved in fighting (and usually winning). As a result, he had a deformed eye ("Pop-eye"). He also ‘always’ smoked his pipe, so he always spoke out of one side of his mouth. In his spare time as a Bouncer, Rocky would entertain the customers by regaling them with exciting stories of adventures he claimed to have had over his career as a sailor crossing the ‘Seven Seas.

The creator of Popeye, Elzie Crisler Segar, grew up in Chester and, as a young man, met Rocky at the tavern and would sit for hours listening to the old sailor’s amazing ‘sea stories. Years later, Segar became a cartoonist and developed a comic strip called ‘Thimble Theater. He honored Fiegel by asking if he could model his new comic strip character, ‘Popeye the Sailor Man,’ after him. Naturally, Fiegel was flattered and agreed.

Segar claimed ‘Olive Oyl,’ along with other characters, was also loosely based on an actual person. She was Dora Paskel, owner of a small grocery store in Chester. She apparently actually looked much like the Olive Oyl character in his comics. He claimed she even dressed much the same way.

Through the years, Segar kept in touch with Rocky and always helped him with money; giving him a small percentage of what he earned from his ‘Popeye’ illustrations. WHO didn't love the cartoons??? We watched them religiously ... so funny, so moral ... each story had a good ending ... wonder if kids these days even KNOW who Popeye is??? Who knew he was a real man?? Awesome!!

Two of the prewar episodes, Popeye the Sailor meets Sindbad the Sailor, and Popeye the Sailor meets Ali Baba's Forty Thieves, are brilliant.

Incredible artwork, and very funny - the visual gags are great.
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I've been in Chester IL a few times and I knew it claims to be the home of Popeye (Chester IL, for those who don't know, is a little town on the Mississippi River south of the St. Louis area). I always thought it was interesting because it isn't terribly far from Metropolis IL which claims to be the home of Superman (due to the coincidence of the city's name).
As a 8 year old, I remember watching popeyes in the 80s, on a tiny low budget TV channel. I didn't dislike it but I found it sort of "weird" at the time. It was already out of fashion and go against what school taught us at the time, smoking was not good for you etc.

I think if the cartoonist refresh it like Snoopy was updated, we would have a superhero Popeyes today much like Captain America, instead of a cartoon that didn't age well into today.

I do like the uniqueness of Popeyes. There's nothing like it back then and there is so much potential to evolve him into the modern age.