Our Daughter Is Making an Early Arrival!

Jul 8, 2012
Dickson, TN.
Wife woke me up at 0800 and told me it was time.

Original due date was 2-22-22.

Our son was about 4 weeks early (he was born Jan. 3, 2021), but we assumed it was due to the wife’s car wreck in December of last year, when she was 8 mos pregnant.

Britta had an appt with her OB doc yesterday, and, due to the fact that she had been having some small contractions, and other signs of imminent delivery, she was given a steroid shot in an attempt to boost the baby’s lung development, since Britta is only 32 weeks today (37-40 is full term).

Unfortunately the steroid shot made her feel like she’d had a Venti Starbucks coffee, and she was unable to sleep until around 0430. Then, of course, the alarm went off at 0630 (she’s a preschool teacher).

Then, at 0730, her water broke.

She woke me up and was crying and upset, but calmed down quickly and drove herself to the hospital while I drove John Mark to preschool.

Now we wait. Her doctor wants to delay the birth as long as possible, in order to be able to administer a 2nd steroid shot (for the baby’s lungs). She can’t have another steroid shot until 24 hours has passed since her 1st shot.

So, Britta was given a bolus of magnesium, along with a drip of Mg, in order to hopefully delay labor. Unfortunately, the Mg makes you feel awful.

I was a bit concerned, as I’ve heard that it’s not healthy for the baby for birth to be delayed once the water has broken. But the nurses have reassured us that the body will continue to produce amniotic fluid.

We‘ve been told that Britta could be in the hospital indefinitely if labor does not progress. There will not be any attempt to jumpstart labor, as long as she and the baby are looking good. Obviously, the longer the baby stays in the oven, the better.

Shes pretty comfortable at the moment other than just feeling kinda crappy, and being pretty hungry. Mercifully, she’s allowed clear liquids, including black coffee (which is what we like). So the coffee is making her feel a bit better.

So, we wait! Thoughts and prayers are much appreciated!
Never a dull moment when dealing with childbirth. Always something to scare you.

Babies can stay in after the water breaks - there’s higher risk of infection, but that’s being managed. I don’t know what hours or even a day or two is really going to do, but the baby is viable and the docs are watching.

Having gone through three births now, I’ll say that everything seems new each time, there’s always something that comes up. But it’s certainly not the OB and nursing staff’s first trip to the rodeo. Remember that.