N.Y. Buildin the Newest Target

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Jun 8, 2002
Elizabethtown, Pa
1776 Ft tall "Target"..Dubbed the Freedom Tower. It is it just me or is this the most stupid idea in a while?? I understand we can't let terorists rule us. But really..we know these folks are out there at the very least on this planet. And we have shown that we can't/won't keep them out.

I guess its just me. But it seems that there are too many folks out there with little if any common sense.

I hope this thing is 100% privately financed with no Government bonds. Another question..who will want to work in it??? Its obvious that no one will insure it except the Fed. Government. Which means I will have to dig into my pockets again.

Now if it were up to me they would be no higher than the WTC I.

Yes, i agree all we are doing is taunting them with a new target. Hate to use the analogy but they envision the towers as our Death Star. And as the story goes we all know what happened to both of them.

If anything it will make a second 9-11 some kidn of dream suicide mission for all the jehadis out there.

Back to my thread...if it were up to me I would no doubt invest in a Patriot PacIII or Russian export SAM battery (S-300, or there new anti-airliner missile). And somehow keep this install discreet and out of sight.

Otherwise we can spend hundreds of thousands to millions each year on continuous Combat Air Patrol of the BWI-JFK NE regional airspace.

That may be the best solution of all. Constant Vigilance-
I take a different view.

I'd build it even higher. I'd boldly display that we cannot be conquered by any attack ..that OUR determination is GREATER than the will of ANY aggressor.

I don't care who it pi$$e$ off. There's enough room for them in our world if they will learn to behave and earn everything that they want. We've enabled most of the world to live a properous life, free from warfare. No one is locked out of it ..they merely have to get into the competition.

(visions of grinding terrorists into the ground with the toe of my shoe like so much oil dry mopping up a small spot)

Originally posted by Gary Allan:
I take a different view.

I'd build it even higher.

We think alike. Unless there is a real advance in building safety with the new design, then just build a superior clone of the original WTC but bigger. One big FU to Al-Qaeda. Or should I say, what is left of Al-Qaeda.

If we irrationally worry about the safety of all tall buildings, we may as well learn to speak French and run up the white flags. Sometimes you have to do a gut check and ask yourself why America is great and what is to be its legacy.


Originally posted by keith:
If we irrationally worry about the safety of all tall buildings, we may as well learn to speak French and run up the white flags. Sometimes you have to do a gut check and ask yourself why America is great and what is to be its legacy.


Some people are naturally timid and some are simply afraid to be great. My wife was a paramedic and Tower 2 fell on her ambulance less than 60 sec. after a Port Authority cop banged on the door and told her and her driver to run for their life. When I read her the story out of the paper today and said construction started, well, those who have shed tears of pride will understand.

It reminds me of the quote after the great San Francisco earthquake and fire. "Everything was crushed but the American spirit." Within a couple of years, their city was back, more beautiful than ever.
Yall are preaching to choir.

Yes, I am reactionary to the point I would rather buold 5 WTC's conforming to a skyline forimg a middle finger.

You have to answer one question for me which everyone is evading.

Suppose it is attacked one more time. Your building is much higher and packing much more people.

Egress will be further complicated.

Ground Devastation and further casualties inevitable.

So in the name of pride your saying let all the lambs inside be murdered without a better chance of escape just because you want it bigger and badder?

All the engineering in the world can not sustain such an assualt. It was a miracle they even stayed up those crucial minutes.

Think about what your saying.

As much as I would want to retaliate against these jehadis with a Peacekeeper Nuke I have to balance my judgement lest I turn into the flip side of their evil.
Build the nicest, largest building that will fit on the site. Having the undergrowth and trees retake the site is not a option, it's the city! If someone takes the building to be some kind of target, well then they again are proving their ultimate idiocy.......I could go on, but I'll refrain.

Think about what your saying.

I am. I'm not going to stop "being" just because of a predatory environment. Do you fear the ocean because of one shark attack? Do you not drive because of one road rage attack? Have you hold up in your house because one person in your town got gunned down?

No, sorry, I refuse to cower in the face of this. Prepare for it ...guard against it ...fight it tooth and nail ..track it down and crush the stinking living life out of it ...sure ..with ZEAL ...but not one retreat.

Too many people paid for this attack in spades. I'm not going to deminish that unwilling sacrifice ..that victimhoood ...by bending to their killer's will by fear.
There is only one solution to end this.

That is the eradication of Islam.

I hate to say it because it raises the spector of Fascism.

They cannot coexist with the rest of the world.

These attacks will continue tit-for-tat inevitably. Al Queda is part of Islams virus family. You can wipe them out, but you forget about about the other million that are waiting to turn cancerous.

Bin Laden is a human face to what 99% Muslims feel...even the ones in our very country.

I am not saying cower what I am saying is that unless you eliminate them as a people this spitting context will not end.

Indeed Elimination is extreme, offer them a choice Civilization or Anihilation.

That is what the Romans would have done.

Thier goal is to eradicate every last christian, jew, hindu, sikh and what not.

So until we take true decisive action this war will never end.

Originally posted by outrun:
Suppose it is attacked one more time. Your building is much higher and packing much more people.

Egress will be further complicated.

Ground Devastation and further casualties inevitable.

So in the name of pride your saying let all the lambs inside be murdered without a better chance of escape just because you want it bigger and badder?

I think that's my point..we found that this attack exposed weaknesses in our economic system., the City of N.Y. required huge amounts of money, the money paid to victims was out of control, Airlines needed Gov. money to stay afloat, and we are now in debt to the tune of 1/2 Trillion more bc of this attack.

Sorry but we can not aford this vanity. The debt in this country including state, Federal, and personal is over 15 Trillion dollars. Our infrastructures are falling apart with no money to pay for them, there will be no money for retiring persons, no money for medical costs, and all the while our boarders are letting more derelicts and terrorists.

Building this monstrosity sort of reminds me of Nero fiddling while Rome is burning. Unfortunately this country is run by Neros. And the Jehadists I imagine will not see our resolve they will only see opportunistic "Targets"

Originally posted by outrun:
You have to answer one question for me which everyone is evading.

Suppose it is attacked one more time. Your building is much higher and packing much more people.

Egress will be further complicated.

Ground Devastation and further casualties inevitable.

So in the name of pride your saying let all the lambs inside be murdered without a better chance of escape just because you want it bigger and badder?

All the engineering in the world can not sustain such an assualt. It was a miracle they even stayed up those crucial minutes.

What are we going to do with the Empire State building, Sears tower, and the other hundreds of skyscrapers throughout the US? Pull them down so Al-Qaeda can't attack them? Or, eliminate Al-Qaeda?

Al-Qaeda have stated that they want to kill 100% of Americans, every last one. Not building tall buildings doesn't even begin to address the problem. It is a total non issue and we can't be running around modifying our lives to appease Al-Qaeda.


Originally posted by keith:
Originally posted by outrun:
[qb] Al-Qaeda have stated that they want to kill 100% of Americans, every last one. Not building tall buildings doesn't even begin to address the problem. It is a total non issue and we can't be running around modifying our lives to appease Al-Qaeda.

Well Keith I guess my point is that how will this new tall building help us??? I realize it will pour dollars into which ever firm gets the contract. But why not spend the money (which we don't have) on something more productive?? And no-I'm not into the mode of tearing down buildings-they are already there. And that would cost money

You see my whole point is that in this day of dwindling resources-we need to put our money into a more productive venture-put that money into upgrading New York's infrastructure or mass transportation, or developing domestic energy, or strengthening our boarders, or developing an antimissle system for domestic jets, or spending it on more fuel efficient cars, ...I could go on..
How about staffing our Federal Prisons. Did you know there are several Federal Prisons sitting Idle bc there is no money to staff them????
Well, I live in Manhattan, so I can have my harsh opinions. I am tired of the site being referred to as sacred ground and a cemetery. If we referred to every piece of Real Estate where someone died tragically as "sacred ground" and built memorials what would our society (and landscape) become? Heck ... if that is our thinking ... we best get busy building hundreds of native American memorials ... probably one in the lobby of my building.

Furthermore, I have many NEGATIVE opinions as to how the tragedy of 9/11 has been handled by both the Government and the Press.

The innocent victims of the first attack on the WTC were basically ignored. Why? Because it was with a Ryder Truck in the garage, and the media could not play it over and over again on television. It took something dramatic like airplanes crashing into the buildings and the physical towers themselves being destroyed for American to give a s_it! It certainly shows our true colors! Had the WTC Towers survived, this whole mess would have been treated differently!

At the pace we are going, more military personnel (and civilians) will die in the Middle East post 9/11 than the 2749 that perished on 9-11. Where are all the "SPECIAL FUNDS" for their families. Again I ask ... Where is the "POST 9/11 FUND" for those families? Where is the outpouring of sympathy? Why aren't Americans lavishing millions upon them?

Shouldn't we write their surviving family members checks for $1,000,000+ also? Americans are just TOO FULL OF THEMSELVES. They jump on the bandwagon of what makes them feel good and look good to their neighbor!

How about all the attacks on American installations (hundreds of tragic deaths) leading up to 9/11? Where are the millions of $$$ lavished on their families?

Enough for now or everyone will think I am just an angry American ... but I am not! I am just tired of the absurdity!

On a different note ... Third World Countries are building ever taller buildings ... why not us?

None of my friends like the new redevelopment architecture with the angular rooftops that look like they are damaged (i.e. sheared off by airplanes).

Here is my suggestion for rebuilding the site:

My Choice as an alternative to the UGLY Towers

Originally posted by red2rebel:
How about all the attacks on American installations (hundreds of tragic deaths) leading up to 9/11? Where are the millions of $$$ lavished on their families?

Third World Countries are building ever taller buildings ... why not us?

The giving of money to all the greedy victums families was a Political Ploy by both parties to win votes. It was insane. I agree 100% with your thoughts here. If a Nuc goes off in this country and we have 100,000 injured or killed that would be a cost of 200 billion-we can not afford any human life to be 2 million in this country. We don't have the wealth for that.

And your last point on Third World building skyscrapers..Does that say something about them or us???
Outrun: are Muslims as uniform in their views as peas in a pod, or do they have not have differing sects, each with interpretations? Assuming you can answer that, perhaps you could expand on how you got to know what Muslims think? Is it first hand, or is it from some other source?

Originally posted by Al:
Well Keith I guess my point is that how will this new tall building help us??? I realize it will pour dollars into which ever firm gets the contract. But why not spend the money (which we don't have) on something more productive??

I think it is a good message to rebuild and show that we will not be intimidated by terrorist scum. It's probably too soon to say if the venture makes any financial sense. The WTC was a profitable enterprise.

Even better, let's build a copy of the WTC in Baghdad and move the UN headquarters there


Even better, let's build a copy of the WTC in Baghdad and move the UN headquarters there

Now you're talking
Always put forth an "IN YOUR FACE SUKAH" signature on your works of art.
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