"My engine loves this oil"-Mostly bogus

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This started out "deep" and is getting "deeper" all the time.
I don't know about what oil my car "loves", but I will say that Penn Plat tastes a bit better to me then Amsoil...sorry Pablo, but it's true. Amsoil is too, ah..well, to much like broccoli...Platinum has a better bouquet, longer legs too.
Well for some it is about oil consuption or the lack their of. FOr some it is about the noise or reduction of noise. For some it is about greatly reduced wear as shown in UOA. For some it is about being able to extend the OCI. So their are plenty of different reasons why someone might say this. In my case I like an oil that does not negatively effect my milage but still gives me plenty of additives and HTHS with lots of shear resistance. It is also a good thing for the engine not to be too noisey. I could run Wesson or EVOO and still have low wear numbers. Their are some oils that do seem to increase HP by 5HP-10HP and drasticly lower engine temp.'s but these are far and few between.
hey travis, i love my truck and my truck loves me. i would NEVER put anything in it besides amsoil. and thats the truth! my truck would never forgive me if i put something else in it.
Well ok, fine. You love your truck and and loves you...but wy Amsoil? The lable on the bottle looks bad compared to the Havoline label! Sheesh! Even the Penn Plat golden bottle looks better then the drab Amsoil bottle.

I don't know about what oil my car "loves", but I will say that Penn Plat tastes a bit better to me then Amsoil...sorry Pablo, but it's true. Amsoil is too, ah..well, to much like broccoli...Platinum has a better bouquet, longer legs too.

PP mixes better with Southern too.
I generally agree with the point but also agree the point could have been made better.

Oil is oil is oil to me. I use synth in my turbo cars but otherwise I've never noticed consumption differences based on brands, API grades, color, taste, or smell.

I've been browsing this forum for a few weeks now, and this statement is pretty funny...

How do you guys know if your car 'loves' a certain oil? I've owned/built cars with more HP then most people on here and driven on average 20K miles a year and I've never felt compelled to make this statement.


Normally, I'd agree but I remember once after an oil change, my mitsu was much smoother and quieter. Then I understood what people meant. However, that loving feeling went away in a day or two and back to square one. My point is that it may just reflect fresh oil and some oils do have a tendency to make engines quieter for no more than few hours right after OCI.

BTW, Just because I dont say "my engine loves this oil" doesnt mean I'll go ahead and diss others who did. Not even 06vtecv6.
i think it was 06vtec06 or w/e the heck is name is who claimed once that his AC was working better with pennzoil platinum or something....I mean c'mon now..thats gotta be one of the dumbest things i've ever heard. I have never used an oil in my camaro that i can "feel" a difference. If your using 2 oils that are roughly the same weight..your engine isnt gonna magically "rev so much faster" or make all this extra power, with one compared to the other..Its really quite humorous to me when people say stuff like that. The only way i could see anyone feeling a difference is if they had a car with a 5HP lawn mower engine..than maybe if they lost 1 or 2 horsepower they could feel it. I would love to sneak into some people's houses on here and drain there oil out..and put like supertech 10w40 in there,without them knowing..i can almost guarantee that they would be on here still talking about how great the car feels since they put that new oil in there..hahah
Every time I've heard someone say, "My engine loves this oil" they were feeling the engine was smoother, quieter, etc. after by using the oil or they felt it lasted longer maybe. I hear this sort of thing from time to time. Just a matter of expression I guess.

However, if the motor oil in question shows great appreciation and tenderness the engine may feel obligated to give it some roses!
My car whinnies when I walk up to it with a bottle of Delo 400 or Castrol GTX.

It squeals and rears up on its back wheels when I show it a bottle of Mobil 1.

So there.
Meep, I am only 34 but I too value the same skills you mention. You would not belive how many mechanic's cann ot set up a carb let alone rebuild one. Do not get me wrong I am all for technology but I belive that one has to have a very firm grasp of old technology before one moves on to the latest and greatest.If I have my way my oldest boy who is 8 years old right now will have an aircooled VW as his first car. He will get to have all manner of fun rebuilding and modifing it. If he is lucky I might install a catalytic heater in it for him!!LOL
I've gotta agree with everyone that has been saying that is it the "newness" of the fresh oil in the crankcase. Trying all of the boutiques that I have, I could easily say that brand a was a total pushover, while brand b made my engine scream like she's never screamed before.

I've never used a "bad" oil per se, just ones that are overkill, overpriced, or overrated...

My Honda loves any oil it gets, as since I am the master, it has no choice, whereas I choose what it gets...to drink.

Now, I grew up setting carb mixtures by ear, even gapped valves in a pinch with folded notebook paper based on the math...

How many of us had that old chevy with 450 rpm idle that for some reason couldn't idle on rainy days and would hence get a quick 50 rpm boost at the screw if the weather looked bad?

Wow, been there and forgot that - thanks for firing up the old gray cells.

ok, are we talking about that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you drive a car for the first time after an oil change?
i think we all can relate to that. but its not because the engine is running differently., its psychological! the engine doesnt know or care what oil is inside it. its just an engine. you could run most any modern engine today on 0w20 to 20w50 and its not going to behave differently or get any measurable ammount of powewr or fuel economy increase. wear rate may change a bit but not power, economy ot smoothness. a smooth motor is a function of motor design and balancing. not oil. statistical noise is what i think the term i am refering to is called.
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