Muscle Rubs (Bengay, Icy Hot, etc.)

Safflower oil based rub is what kung fu studio students use after sparing practices. Typically in the old days the kung fu studios have chiropractors right next door and they use alcohol rubs with safflower oil and other herbs to break down blood clots in bruises for faster healing. Something like this:


Although I've read somewhere the US version isn't as potent as what they have in Europe.
I used to get it when it was prescription only here in the USA. At that time I heard it was over the counter in Canada. Now I am glad to see it is available without a prescription here.
My dad used to work for a professional sport team. While he was there he used to get me two different muscle rubs. One of them was prescription only, I don't know what was in it but what I would give for some of that now :)

The other one was called "rub a dub" and it was the hottest most potent stuff I ever tried. Insane heat and somehow even days later when you took a shower the water seemed to reactivate it. I was afraid of that stuff after trying it :p
Find a Doterra essential oils rep. Get them to order you some Deep Blue and some oils they recommend for muscles.

it works.
My wife has arthritis in her hands and this stuff works like a miracle.

Apothecanna extra strength body cream
Its made right here in Denver and totally legal in every state.

Arnica – heals bruising, relieves sprains

Peppermint – soothes skin, reduces inflammation

Juniper – reduces swelling, soothes nerves

Cannabis – anti-inflammatory, relieves stress

It works.
I use peppermint oil in a carrier oil. It doesn't burn and it doesn't stink. It does help with sore muscles, probably because it improves circulation. And I smell mint.
I had an uncle (now passed away, my dad's brother) who gave me some advice on bad lower back pain I had. He told me to lay flat on the floor on my stomach with my shirt off and get a naked 18 year old girl to walk on my back. I asked if that would help my back. He told me "no" but it would take my mind off the pain!!!
Also a surefire way to improve circulation. ;-)
I do weight training and cardio 4-5 times a week.

Rest and recovery are just as important.Do stretching and keep up on the nutrition and good joint supplements you'll be fine.
Who here uses them besides me?
I was a pipe fitter/welder (pipe fitter 98% of the time) for 39 years. I am right handed but for all those years I always carried pipe on my left shoulder. And, I have been feeling it in my left shoulder/rotator cuff since retiring. I have seen a Dr. about it and she suggested a shoulder/rotator cuff surgery. But in the mean time she suggested a muscle rub when it acts up.
I have been using WM's brand of Icy Hot and Bengay with okay results. This past Friday one of my neighbors gave me a roll on bottle of Professional BIOFREEZE. Man, that stuff works! I have been using it for only 3 days now and am wondering where my shoulder pain went?
Does anyone else here use a muscle rub, specifically BIOFREEZE? I hear BLU EMU is some good stuff too.
For the past several months I have been using BIOFREEZE on my shoulder. A neighbor has her Medicare thru a HUMANA program. She's allowed up to $300 a month on health accessories. She knows that I have serious shoulder pain and asked if I would be interested in using BIOFREEZE roll on for my shoulder pain. Of course, FREE of charge. How could I refuse? She was giving me (3) 2.5 FL. OZ. roll on bottles.
This time around she gave me (3) new bottles of SWAN brand roll on gel. They are the same size bottle, the same ingredients, and same gel type, as BIOFREEZE. Has anyone else tried this brand (SWAN) before? I had never heard of it before yesterday. But, it seems to be BIOFREEZE in a similar bottle with a different name.
This band aid will only last for so long before I will NEED the surgery. After my cataract surgery I'm going to make an appt. with my orthopedic surgeon and get serious about my shoulder surgery.
I buy Sagely CBD cream. Its made from Hemp. It is truly amazing stuff. My wife has lots of back pain. I rub her down with it and pain is gone in less than 5 minutes. Works good on sprains too. Walgreens and DG have it.
My wife uses Safflower oil, it is sort of like Icy Hot and Bengay that it helps with blood circulation but without the patch and glue, just an oil rub. It stinks but works very well. Shower afterward though.
All interesting comments. I have not previously researched these products. For aches and pains, I use Advil or equivalent. Although the rubs give you a sensation on the skin above the muscle, and the ads suggest a “deep penetration” into the muscle, I believe they are all similar in that they block the pain receptors at the source or in your brain, much as Advil or Tylenol does by absorbing the drug through your stomach and entering your blood stream. If it seems to work, carry on. I don’t mean for this to be medical advice, just an observation. :)
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All interesting comments. I have not previously researched these products. For aches and pains, I use Advil or equivalent. Although the rubs give you a sensation on the skin above the muscle, and the ads suggest a “deep penetration” into the muscle, I believe they are all similar in that they block the pain receptors at the source or in your brain, much as Advil or Tylenol does by absorbing the drug through your stomach and entering your blood stream. If it seems to work, carry on. I don’t mean for this to be medical advice, just an observation. :)
Basically, the rubs I am using are just band aids until I can have the surgery done. I have to take care of my cataract surgery first, then the shoulder.
I hate getting old.
My Compa recommended CBD BALM, works great on my old knees. ;)