Mouse Milk

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Dec 12, 2006
Anyone heard of this stuff? My buddy gave me a bottle when I bought an oxygen sensor socket from him. I did one without it, fought it all the way out and tore up the threads pretty good. On the second one, I applied a drop with a Q-Tip, let it sit a minute, broke the sensor loose with the wrench and spun it out with my fingers. I was absolutely amazed.
Was it pasturized and hamogonized?
How many mouse do you have to milk to get a quart? It boggles the mind.

Can't say I have ever heard of the stuff. Who is the manufacturer? For O2 sensors and really stuck bolts I lightly warm the part with a propane tourch, melt a little canning wax on it and out comes the part. I find it works great when all other types of lubricant fail. One of those tricks a old timer showed me one time.
""I applied a drop with a Q-Tip, let it sit a minute, broke the sensor loose with the wrench and spun it out with my fingers. I was absolutely amazed.""

Sounds good BUT since O2 sensors are tappered just maybe that one needed only a twist to get it going.


""I applied a drop with a Q-Tip, let it sit a minute, broke the sensor loose with the wrench and spun it out with my fingers. I was absolutely amazed.""

Sounds good BUT since O2 sensors are tappered just maybe that one needed only a twist to get it going.


Nope. The one I did without it fought me all the way.
We use the stuff in the aviation industry all the time. I am not convinced it is any better than any other penetrant. We have thousands of screws to remove. Screws next to each other tend to be equally difficult to remove. Mouse Milk helps when applied to the thread area, but as I said, it does not seem to be any form of magic.

Kroil works just as well. As does PB Blaster and other penetrating oils.

What Cujet said. Mouse Milk's claim to fame is for use on turbo and exhaust parts. I don't think it's any better than other stuff out there. I like ACF 50 myself. Made for anti corrosion but one of the best penetrants I've ever used.
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