MF rags and ceramic detailer

Apr 19, 2014
I’ve read that you should discard the MF towels you use with ceramic coatings. The stuff hardens and can’t be washed out. My question is about the MF towels used with the ceramic detailers. I’ve been washing them with MF detergent. Think it can be washed out??

Note to censors: MF stands for Microfiber.
I use costco or sams club MF's if I feel its lightly dirty I wash it.
If I used it to buff aquapel or a dirty dirty job.. I retire it to the garage or trash can as appropriate.
FWIW I've had no issues washing MF with tide free and clear.. after using with wash wax all or griots 3 in 1.
I think the washed rags work better than new.. but I'm not prewashing new rags :LOL:
I’ve thrown away towels that were used to buff hardening/curing coatings like cquartzuk. If you put some on a flat surface it will cure to glass. So no doubt excess buffed out can do similarly.

I’ve never been concerned otherwise.