John Browning

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Jul 5, 2007
Ball, LA
Is John no longer a member here? I searched for his name and looked in the user list but did not find it.

I thought everyone pretty much forgave him for the thread he started about someone calling him on a challange and wanting to get free oil for testing.

Any one have any clue if he is still a member? I know I used to bust on him for his spelling and grammer but it was in a friendly way and miss his postings.
I guess he just didn't want to show up after pulling the hoax. I really didn't pay it much mind. It did stir up a good bit of activity.

(big smile) Everyone is always up for a good flaming/roasting/hanging It was probably the most entertaining part of many people's day while it lasted. Targets of opportunity of that quality and magnitude are rare.
Hmmm, you think it was all a "haox" or you figure he was backpeddling there in the end? I used to like reading his ill-formed posts.
In retrospect, JB should have been banned just for his overuse of exclamation marks in his last post.
He had some alteration in his spare time quotient. He's been a member for a very long time ..but after a frequent beginning, tended to post in bouts with fairly long pauses in between. Usually on the up tick of value in terms of POV and contribution . That's not to say that I agreed with him, but it didn't come from ignorance. Then he appeared to go more "full time" in posting he either retired or was between jobs or whatever.
Originally Posted By: Gary Allan
Then he appeared to go more "full time" in posting he either retired or was between jobs or whatever.

Didn't he become a car salesman?
Originally Posted By: Stuart Hughes
Whatever he's doing, I wish him well. He certainly did a fine job of designing my almost-40-yr-old .22 Automatic Take-down rifle!

I'm partial to his 71 year old cal .50 M2HB.
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