Itchy throat causing cough

Apr 15, 2017
Napa, CA.
I made a doctors appointment for this afternoon but in the meantime I’ve been literally coughing nonstop for the last 12 hours due to an itchy feeling in my throat. It feels like one specific spot and it’s causing me to cough. Yes I’ve had this cough for two months now but it seemed to be going away and was almost healed but the last week it’s just got worse again and now it won’t stop.

I’m super irritated and can’t even sleep. And feel bad for my housemates I hope I’m not keeping them awake.

Any brilliant suggestions? I’ve tried hot tea with lemon and honey, cough drops, NyQuil, mucinex, literally nothing makes a difference.

Before anyone asks yes I’ve done two Covid tests both negative so I didn’t think it was important to make an appointment til now it’s just getting too annoying.
Did you go on an ACE inhibitor before the dry cough started? If so that's likely the cause. Other causes could be environmental irritants, allergies, or a viral infection. Google "acupressure for dry cough." Obviously, go
see a doctor if the cough doesn't go away quickly.
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I made a doctors appointment for this afternoon but in the meantime I’ve been literally coughing nonstop for the last 12 hours due to an itchy feeling in my throat. It feels like one specific spot and it’s causing me to cough. Yes I’ve had this cough for two months now but it seemed to be going away and was almost healed but the last week it’s just got worse again and now it won’t stop.

I’m super irritated and can’t even sleep. And feel bad for my housemates I hope I’m not keeping them awake.

Any brilliant suggestions? I’ve tried hot tea with lemon and honey, cough drops, NyQuil, mucinex, literally nothing makes a difference.

Before anyone asks yes I’ve done two Covid tests both negative so I didn’t think it was important to make an appointment til now it’s just getting too annoying.
Probably better getting advice from your doctor or a pharmacists then from Bob the Oil Guy forum....
Probably better getting advice from your doctor or a pharmacists then from Bob the Oil Guy forum....
Just like my post is "stating the obvious" come back to your post. Don't you think he knows that, he is looking for a Hail Mary that just in case someone here had something like it could reduce it for him in the mean time till he can see the Dr. :)

God knows I have seen many a "so so" Dr's.. What happens if he sees a Dr that is not on top of weird things that this could possibly be, and someone here had this problem and has seen 3-5 Drs to finally finds one that knows his stuff over simple generic GP stuff. Just saying....

Now look at the great advice he got here from Greasymechety::)

"2 months is 7.5 weeks too late... need to be more proactive with physician office visits"
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Just like my post is "stating the obvious" come back to your post. Don't you think he knows that, he is looking for a Hail Mary that just in case someone here had something like it could reduce it for him in the mean time till he can see the Dr. :)

God knows I have seen many a "so so" Dr's.. What happens if he sees a Dr that is not on top of weird things that this could possibly be, and someone here had this problem and has seen 3-5 Drs to finally finds one that knows his stuff over simple generic GP stuff. Just saying....

Now look at the great advice he got here from Greasymechety::)

"2 months is 7.5 weeks too late... need to be more proactive with physician office visits"
Need to read the three lines above that too...
Did you go on an ACE inhibitor before the dry cough started? If so that's likely the cause. Other causes could be environmental irritants, allergies, or a viral infection. Google "acupressure for dry cough." Obviously, go
see a doctor if the cough doesn't go away quickly.
Lysinopril prescribed for blood pressure gave me the "crazy cough". Very common I understand. Now on Valsartan.
I'm guessing you had some shots in the past. There is a low grade virus about.

Likely combined with an allergen that sets you off.

Go to a doctor. He may think you have asthma, but minutes on a albuterol nebulizer and not much change will/may tell him/her you don't.

You probably need a course of prednisone.

This is not uncommon in 2023.
It is the beginning of allergy season. Have you considered that? And I'm guessing a mod will be along soon to close this thread as medical advice is not part of this forum.
I've had it many times, it's annoying and it lasts three months, usually; it's referred to as postnasal drip. I just use menthol/eucalyptus candies as needed to help, not much else has an effect.
it is what it is, just do no aggravate it; people tend to make it worse if they force on it

and of course, timeline is your best friend in most circumstances but not all

sometime it pays to make an doctor's office visit; a doctor you need for two instances generally, one to diagnose the problem and another one is to do a surgery; anything else is on you!

Something as simple as a low indoor humidity level can cause this for me, especially so in the winter months.
Interesting thought I moved to a new place and the coughing approximately coincides with when we started using the heater more. It might not be the cause but it could exacerbate it.
Whenever I get a little cold or virus it makes its way to my lungs and I cough for weeks due to my asthma. I'm finally getting over it after 3 weeks. I'm also taking Lisinopril which is an ACE inhibitor so that's not helping anything.
Did you go on an ACE inhibitor before the dry cough started? If so that's likely the cause. Other causes could be environmental irritants, allergies, or a viral infection. Google "acupressure for dry cough." Obviously, go
see a doctor if the cough doesn't go away quickly.
Something as simple as a low indoor humidity level can cause this for me, especially so in the winter months.
Try an ultrasonic humidifier with distilled water next to your bed. Could make you feel better while you shake off the infection and while your treatment kicks in.