Ionizer in HVAC duct

Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I just had my semi-annual HVAC cleaning and checkup done. It's an employee owned company so not as bad as some of the ripoff HVAC companies I hear about.

No issues found but the guy did recommend an ionizing unit for the ductwork to eliminate mold and similar in the ductwork. Around $750 for the unit.

Unsure if was really a "this will help you" recommendation or was that what management told the techs to push this month that will result in a hefty commission.

Some concerns about ionizers and them putting ozone in the air you breathe which at some levels is not good.

This air handler is in a crawl space with a dehumidifier for the crawl space.
Prob. something they were told to push.
Here in Florida, where the mold and humidity in the A/C unit can be severe, I had a UV lamp installed. It does a great job of keeping things free of mold. It also gives me peace of mind knowing that the UVB rays can kill some viruses.
The lamp itself does have to be replaced about once a year, but I get mine through Amazon.
Lamps cost about $25.00 each. You can also buy the entire unit from there, but you need to install it yourself. The lamp stays on continuously.

That being said, my Mercedes has an ionizer (ozone ?) generator in the a/c unit. I have no way to know if it really works or not. It's part of the air freshener system in the glove compartment. Not to be confused with the cabin air filter, which it also has.
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General consensus from the HVAC guys I listen to on YouTube is while they do something, the effect is negligible at best for the air volume of a house. They can also create ozone.
The HVAC were back today to do a semiannual cleaning and checkup. This time pushing a UV system and more than $1000 per system. We have two. They say it kills any mold that might grow on the coils
A good ionizer has ground plates that the ionized air with dirt attached is attracted too. I have an huge ancient one and the fins get brown from what gets stuck on them. it does give a slight ionized air smell but that's how you know it's working. Don't need to clean as much as back in the smoking days. And I only use i for AC now. I highly recommend them. My style does need cleaning. I just soak it in detergent and water in the bath tub.

Only maintenance has been to replace a couple of high voltage wires and the transformer. Probably had it since the mid 80s, Craftsman.
Mold in the duct work could be a problem, if the duct work is in the crawl space. If the duct work is in the attic, the probability is much less. You may want to do some more research before you fork out that kind of money.
Those UV lamps are a gimmick. The airflow is simply too quick for them to do anything. It's similar to the UV water treatments/sanitizers out there. They do not work.

If you expect mold and dust in the ducktwork, I would recommend an actual duct cleaning service.
I thought the UV lights were there to shine on the coils and kill the mold on the coils. But I will admit I am not sure.
A good ionizer has ground plates that the ionized air with dirt attached is attracted too. I have an huge ancient one and the fins get brown from what gets stuck on them. it does give a slight ionized air smell but that's how you know it's working. Don't need to clean as much as back in the smoking days. And I only use i for AC now. I highly recommend them. My style does need cleaning. I just soak it in detergent and water in the bath tub.

Only maintenance has been to replace a couple of high voltage wires and the transformer. Probably had it since the mid 80s, Craftsman.
They tried to sell me an ionizer last year. This year it's a UV-C light.
Those UV lamps are a gimmick. The airflow is simply too quick for them to do anything. It's similar to the UV water treatments/sanitizers out there. They do not work.

If you expect mold and dust in the ducktwork, I would recommend an actual duct cleaning service.
The UV lamp would have to be super powerful to kill mold in moving air. I can see the lamp being only useful for the surrounding area where the UV actually contacts, like the evaporator. Otherwise if you want mold free ducts you would need UV lamps every few feet which would not be practical.
I think they just tell the service techs to push a product for this month. Maybe a different product next month. They were suggested it for the air handler in the crawl space that handles the first space and air handler in the attic that handles the second floor. I am thinking those air handlers are in totally different environments so the fancy UV light is needed in both.

Reminds me of when I worked for Sears in Tools & Garden (earning hobby money) and we were forced to push service contracts for all the OPE. I would mention them but never pushed. Maybe I sold one in 8 months.