I will never have a heart attack..


$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
WPB Florida-Maryland-Pennsylvania
Had dinner with an old gf. I hadn't seen in years. While absorbing huge chunks of mystery meat like @AutoMechanic.
And she engorged herself on all things food as she gazed into my bloodshot eyes and proclaimed...

"I will never have a heart attack because I jog ..."

I then recited the story of Jim Fixx..
She is about 10 years younger than I so she googled it...

I don't usually eat pork or cured meats. If I cook with oil, it's olive oil. I have or add veggies to everything I cook. I never smoked, and I drink sparingly. I also move around a lot and exert myself at work.

Guess who a cardiologist just told probably had a silent heart attack several weeks ago. :oops: Testing is scheduled very soon.

Jim Fixx had heart disease in his family, IIRC.
Fixx was a running heart attack just waiting to happen. Running was the worst possible thing he could have possibly been doing. He should have been a test pilot for Barcalounger. He would have lived longer.

Fixx's left circumflex coronary artery was almost totally blocked, only trickles of blood could flow through the pinholes that were left of the inside of that artery. About 80 percent of the blood flow in the right coronary artery was blocked. A bit like pinching off your upper and lower radiator hoses, then running your car at 5,000 RPM, and wondering why it's overheating.
I lived the Jim Fix story myself.
Once known as the "Easter Sunday Miracle" I turned 52 in the hospital.

Non smoker or drinker...no prescriptions or street drugs.

My parents both had heart issues but they were 75 plus years of age.

My surgery has now failed and i am
trying other treatments and will learn of my success at the end of the month.

My friend was once my fiancée and she bailed on me then and you think as a John Hopkins nurse she would know jogging isn't a cure if it wants to come your way.

I got an apology tonight after all of these years but you know after all the struggles with her over the years I didn't need it.

She blew it and now realizes it.
It is what it is...
Things aren't always black and white in life..
I don't usually eat pork or cured meats. If I cook with oil, it's olive oil. I have or add veggies to everything I cook. I never smoked, and I drink sparingly. I also move around a lot and exert myself at work.

Guess who a cardiologist just told probably had a silent heart attack several weeks ago. :oops: Testing is scheduled very soon.

Jim Fixx had heart disease in his family, IIRC.
Olive oil is a weird thing these days.
Two sides to the story now.
50% say drink it by the gallon and other doctors show studies where it is as damaging as a Big Mac.

I feel better using it myself. Two tablespoons a day with lemon bioflavonoids and liposomal C with garlic.
I remember Jim Fixx. I had his book when I was into running. Got me motivated enough to do a 1/2 marathon. Today I'm content just to be walking. His death blew a big hole in my quest for immortality. Guess we don't come with a bumper to bumper warranty.

True. In a diabetic if not discovered soon you are screwed.
Right, this is why it's important to have annual physicals. If you discover that your A1c is on the rise, you can have lifestyle changes, such as stopping eating meat and fish, losing weight, and starting exercising, hoping that you can stop this incurable disease on its tracks from happening.
Right, this is why it's important to have annual physicals. If you discover that your A1c is on the rise, you can have lifestyle changes, such as stopping eating meat and fish, losing weight, and starting exercising, hoping that you can stop this incurable disease on its tracks from happening.
Tough to predict and prevent these things. A real heart attack prevention diet is very difficult to follow for most people, most would rather die than live like that...no meat, no dairy...just veggies, grains. That’s tough.

And sometimes in your very best shape something life threatening can happen. Happened to me...best shape of my life training for a Tough Mudder. Blood clot in my calf, no idea at that time what it was. Pain was excruciating, so of course I ignored it and kept on running/training on it for a week. Then pain magically disappeared. That’s because it broke off and went through my heart into my lungs...and you know what? I kept training, running, lifting. Could barely breath while running. Pulmonary embolism, both lungs. Lucky I didn’t die. You just never know.

Man plans and god laughs.
Fried chicken night? Just pop an additional Crestor. I’m joking but my dad died of an aneurysm at 46 and had very advanced heart disease in his autopsy. I’m 6 years out from that age and getting a lot of tests done as preventative this year.