I pulled a Rip Van Winkle--interest rates

You mean people paying banks to store their money in an account? I remember savings rates dropping under 1%, but don't think it ever got that bad.
Note I said “in some places”…


While it doesn’t mean that consumer rates go negative (ie the bank takes your money for leaving it there), it means a firm 0% is a real possibility.

but when you talk about living off of interest because right now banks are paying 3.5-5%…. Well remember that 0-1% versus that is a pretty massive difference.
FDIC insured? I don't want to get greedy chasing a few percentage points and risk losing money. Like they say, if it sounds too good to be true........
No it is not FDIC insured.....no stocks, ETFs or Mutual Funds are. I understand your concerns, and respect them. For me personally, these kind of investments work, literally making me money while I sleep. I too, have cash in MM accounts as well as a hedge for liquidity. Lastly, I am not a financial advisor, nor do I play one on TV, but this is one of my investment choices in a very diverse portfolio.
The inflation numbers are grossly understated.
Yes and no. So long as inflation is measured the same way year to year it should be an accurate proportional measure of change from year to year - even if it does not exactly represent the increase or decrease in what people are paying.
Back to eggs, has anyone with a few chickens ever crunched the numbers and knows what homegrown eggs truly cost? Just curious.
Depends on feed but it's more about the farm-fresh taste than cost savings everything said and done. In the winter you're paying to feed chickens that lay little to no eggs. I don't have chickens but have many friends that do.
Depends on feed but it's more about the farm-fresh taste than cost savings everything said and done. I don't have chickens but have many friends that do.
Wife wanted to go down this path, but I didn't want to be a farmer. I also knew I didn't want to deal with them becoming pets--IIRC, they are good layers for 2 or so years, then most want to put them into the freeze before they molt again. I, uh, have enough problems with old hens around the house...