Gas..... $1.29 per Gallon

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Oct 10, 2013
You may laugh, but I posted the other day how oil was under $100 per barrell....

Today it is at $97......and going lower by the minute..

I had a dream that by Christmas gas will be $1.29 per gallon and stay there for at least 5 years.

Everyone was trading in those tiny sardine size cars and getting real American gas guzzlers again..

It will be a Merry Christmas...
Even if this ever happened (and it won't, the taxes here in NY add up to more than $1.29/gal anyway) I'll still be driving the Yaris.
I'm fine with them coming down!

I'm noticing I am spending considerably less in the Focus on gas. I think that's because gas is getting cheaper and I find myself driving the Cherokee a lot more!
Not with 7 billion earthlings rapidly coming out of poverty and all wanting personal transportation devices.

Now...If someone could find a way to tap into that quadrillion barrel reserve in the Gulf of Mexico, scrubbed clean gasoline and diesel would be...what...20 cents a gallon?
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One of the Gurus on one of the cable business shows this morning said don't be surprised to see oil in the $75 per barrell area by years end....

He said the Middle East is now calmer and America is conserving more oil compared to the past..

Wouldn't that bring gas down to at least $2.50 per gallon...?
I saw gas for $1.39 in South Carolina in early 2009. The experience of filling up my old Buick LeSabre's 18-gallon tank for right about $25-30 for a few weeks was like living in the Twilight Zone.

We'll never see gas that cheap again. It may drop down to about $3/gallon, but not much lower.
Sometime in 2002 or 2003 it was 89 cents a gallon in NJ.

The agenda to keep gas at the $3 mark is a powerful one. probably never less than $2.89 a gallon again.

And, if some have their way.. $7 a gallon.....
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Originally Posted By: andyd
That was the price of gas when I stopped using a Grand Wagoneer for a commuter car.

Chet Ripley? Is that you??
People, people, people. Big Oil won't reduce the price of gas, same as the last 10 times the per barrel price went down. It's either: "winter formulation is more expensive"; "heating oil demand increases prices"; "our profit margin and shareholders must be protected" although the third one isn't publicized.

Plus this:

Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
Come holiday time gas companies will raise prices knowing more people will be travelling.
If only the oil companies controlled oil prices.

The first two explanations you give are true. Winter blend is more expensive. So is the mandated (and completely ineffective) oxygenated fuel here in SE Wisconsin. And when demand goes up for a limited commodity, even when it is artificially limited, the price goes up.

And that third one, well, if they controlled the price I might go for it, but they don't.

Originally Posted By: Kuato
People, people, people. Big Oil won't reduce the price of gas, same as the last 10 times the per barrel price went down. It's either: "winter formulation is more expensive"; "heating oil demand increases prices"; "our profit margin and shareholders must be protected" although the third one isn't publicized.

Plus this:

Originally Posted By: aquariuscsm
Come holiday time gas companies will raise prices knowing more people will be travelling.
I just paid 3.59 which is the least expensive I have seen in a long time. At the dock this summer 89 was $4.50-$6. depending on where you filled up.

The speculators keep the prices up, I suspect I'll be paying $4.10 a gallon again within 6 months.
Originally Posted By: Subdued
Even if this ever happened (and it won't, the taxes here in NY add up to more than $1.29/gal anyway) I'll still be driving the Yaris.

Ha! I'll still be driving my new 2013 Yaris, also - then I could fill it up for 13 bucks!
At almost 40 mpg for the past 6 months (WITHOUT a long-distance highway trip...) I'll never go back to a gas guzzler again, ever.
There is a gas station not far from us along a stretch of state highway that closed many a year ago...the sign still reads 165.9 a gallon. Memories...
Originally Posted By: kschachn
If only the oil companies controlled oil prices.

Well they do. Think about it. There are a few huge oil companies. They are closing or consolidating refineries. So yes, they do control prices.

Add to it they know we will pay $3-4 for a gallon of gas. They don't want to explain stagnant or sinking profits so of course they will keep the price high.

Whenever Congress "investigates" them it's more of a farce than anything else and we get short term relief nothing else.
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