Dog tail found wrapped with tiny hair ties.

Oct 8, 2011
1.5 yr old golden doodle.

On Sunday night she was oddly growling when approached by kids upon further inspection I found a few hair ties about 3 in up from the tip of her tail they were on very tight I cut them off with a scissors but I believe that they were on for about 2 days.

She immediately wanted to lick it I'm guessing it felt numb or was tingling a bit she licked it on and off for about 20 minutes and then I noticed she began nipping at her tail.

When I checked I could see that she had removed the top layer of the skin I washed it with soap and water, vashe cleanser, covered it with bacitracin and loosely covered with gauze. I put on the Elizabeth collar so she couldn't lick it anymore.

She is still very playful eating and drinking fine peeing pooping fine. I've been changing the dressings daily it's still pink in the wound bed but the surrounding layer of skin has darkened.

Tail below the point of injury is cooler than above it certainly some blood vessel damage.

There's a scant amount of serosang drainage coming from the transition point to healthy tail tissue on the proximal aspect of the wound.

Have a vet appt tomorrow.

I know that there is potential for partial amputation just looking for advice and if anyone has had a similar experience

What are the chances some of the tail needs to be removed?

Day 0

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 today

I'm most concerned by the darkened skin below point of injury but I also think it's good that the tissue in the wound is pink and not also dark.

I never thought this would happen to me but mb this can be used as a talking point and prevent someone else's dog from getting hurt.

Child who did this was 8yrs old.
I know some dogs have to have tails docked due to being too darn happy, and breaking it while wagging and hitting things. So I'm not too sure I'd worry much sleep over it. If she's going into the vet tomorrow, then sleep on it and let the pros figure out what's best.

In the meantime, there's a cause to this problem that has to be figured out, and dealt with.
I hope it works out for the best. Schedule a visit soon to avoid the ridiculous emergency vet fees.

Bummers of pets, kids and elastics (bad news usually with cat/dog eating them).
I had a cat get into it with something in the woods (owl?) and wasn't sure she'd make it through the night. She did, made the (regular) vet appointment, got fixed right up, and lived a happy life.

Animals are tough, don't worry!
Exactly. Have seen my dog run full bore into something immovable to where it sounded like a car crash and it barely daze him.
If I did that, I'd need an amberlamps!
I had a 100 pound dog crash into the side of my car and cause a bit of damage to the car. The dog wasn't fazed at all.
Did anyone consider that maybe the 8 year old child simply thought it was playing hair stylist with no idea it might be harmful?
This is true. the kid is absolutely devastated...can't fall asleep.

Can't even talk about the dog without the kid tearing up.

Today the vet said lets give her a week, added some oral antibiotics in addition to the topical bacitracin.
We injured a dog's tail. Had to have the tip removed.

Agree with the vets idea of "watchful waiting".
How far above the point of injury did they amputate?
My dogs tail injury is about 3 inches from the tip.

Vet seemed to think best to potentially amputate 5 inches past the injury, seems far to me. I would think an inch into healthy tissue would be enough.
Amputation is not a big deal for a dog as not critical part at least. The painful part will be terrible reminder/emotions for the child involved .

My mums cat some how lost half its tail hair/skin and bone was exposed. Vet amputated exposed bone and it threw acts balance off for a while.
Day 5 Vet said lets give a her a week and she if she gets worse or better. Taking oral cefpodoxime antibiotic.
Day 6

Day 9

Day 11

Day 12

Tail Amputation is scheduled for tomorrow.

Thankfully the pup has been in a normal happy mood this entire time.
She has gotten used to the daily dressing changes.
(Vashe wound cleanser soak, topical ointment, xeroform antibiotic impregnated vaseline gauze dressing then covered by a dry gauze wrap)

She lies down completely still during the cleanings and doesn't seem to be in pain.

I think the last pic is actually a bit of improvement from the second to last. The dead tail is showing more exposed tendon but I think the wound actually looks better.

On Friday we switched from bacitracin to mupriocin and oral antibiotic from cefpodoxime to clindamycin.

This has been a difficult and extremely long week of waiting.

I will be happy to put this unfortunate event behind us.

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