Does XenForo Have A Chat Option


$200 Site Donor 2023
May 5, 2018
WPB Florida-Maryland-Pennsylvania
Not talking about PMs or DMs but a real chat option.
I have had forums in the past that did from the top of the screen.
I'm not interested in it but had a suggestion if this is actually a software option.

I just found this........
Chat Option
This is probably the best chat server available for Xenforo:

We would have to be convinced that we actually need a chat box.
You would know best. Thanks!
I have some ideas and I can post here or take it private later .
You may not want additional feedback. That price is very reasonable on your suggestion
Chatboxes are tricky. I get the want for them.

You wanna see some fireworks? Put in a chatbox lol
Chatboxes are tricky. I get the want for them.

You wanna see some fireworks? Put in a chatbox lol
Post them here...
Okay- I'm suggesting it as an option for several reasons. Personally, I could take it or leave it.
You will get threads with several factions within the thread. It gets shut down and it was a good thread but a few spoil it.
Those people could be told to take it to chat and the thread would remain.

The other day four separate PF video threads took place and it was a mod fiasco.
I would assume none of the chat would go to search engines and thus PF and thick and thin posts could be a chat only option and eliminate forum sludge and moderation. I doubt PF and other threads will ever go away especially when new members come in
and are initially unaware of the rules.

Now Chat isn't a place for profanity and all of the banned stuff but slightly relaxed and not moderated for
acronyms like B-S here which is not properly enforced anyway. Me and you both know that. I can find 100s of examples
on that here and at other times members get flagged for it.

Plus retaining good members is a positive thing. I have many other reasons but don't want to write a book.
From what I understand the chat license is what about 30 Euro a year and after that it gets cheaper.
When you login in here you pretty much see everything. If you had to login again to chat, you know what you may see and if you choose not to that's great.

Sometimes we get overly aggressive moderation here and a Chat would allow people to continue on a thread elsewhere
like the Dollar store thread the other day. Even threads like filtration get dicey and are often locked because people get
offended and some have skin in the game.

We could also have a donation drive if people want chat. If not, I would pay the first year if 30 Euros.

Also newbies often get beaten down with threads that you see here a million times over.
Instead of them leaving because they get abused, they could take it to chat and tamer members here could
help them instead of another thread getting locked etc.
I think your idea is great Jim. Personally I had never thought about it that way. I think it would be interesting to incorporate it if they would be open to it. An idea I have is like if someone has questions about maybe say a picture or something like that too instead of crowding the thread with questions just go to the chat box and ask there. Or like when someone asks a slight off topic question in a thread answer it in the chat box instead of the thread just to save some space. Like all the guys who gave me their thoughts on credit cards when I asked in a different thread I appreciate it but I don’t want to take up a thread talking about it but think it’s important enough that it should not be a private conversation. Just my thoughts about it. Great suggestion I’d also be open to contributing a little bit to the cost as well.
I used to run several different forums for years and a chat box never actually contributed to the quality of the content or the happiness of the forum members. In fact it was usually the opposite.
The Rat 540 sludge and the other threads locked earlier today could have been hidden in chat and those who wanted to amuse themselves with that nonsense could have done so all day with less moderation and time wasted.

I suspect many would live in chat from now on. Just saying as we all know who the boss man is. Not a direct endorsement however. Even I ain't that stupid...well 😂
Maybe it’s just me, but I think that some of the individuals that start threads which would be appropriate for this chat capability would not want them hidden away.

Your suggestion seems to be a bit utopian.
Your suggestion seems to be a bit utopian

Maybe so. But I look at it as "nothing ventured nothing gained."
I understand this is a private forum and not member owned or run. I think a member poll would help the mods make their decision on it however.

If it bombs, no loss.
The threads locked and reopened like the 9/11 and many sponsor hit jobs here could be relegated harmlessly in chat instead of googlized with in seconds for the world to see.

I doubt I would be a user of it myself because the subjects I assume would be there are not things I really care much about.
At the same time they seem to matter to many here.

If it fails it goes I suspect.
Threads come and go here daily but the forum still goes on.