Does anyone in the US care about the coronation in the UK?

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Mar 21, 2004
Near the beach in Delaware
I have no interest in watching the coronation. If I was a UK citizen I might say what a waste of tax payer money. But I am a US citizen and feel there are many important things going on in the US and the world and the coronation is not one of them.

However if given the choice between being forced to watch the coronation and getting a root canal I would watch the coronation.
I have a friend, of British descent, who thinks Camila is the devil reincarnated. Me, not so much. All good.
Wait, it that the coronation?
England ceased being vitally important to the US in 1781 when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. They remain an important fascinoma since.
St. George.png
I feel like I should be interested in this, the pomp and ceremony and all that. But the older I get the more jaded I get regarding these things. A bunch of well dressed do nothings parading around soaking in the adoration of the ill informed masses. I’ll respectfully take a pass.
England ceased being vitally important to the US in 1781 when Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. They remain an important fascinoma since.
Interesting use of the word which is, in itself, interesting. (y)
I had to google what a coronation was. So no - I will take the root canal.

What the use of the British Royalty is in 2023 is beyond me. To each their own I suppose - but I will never understand. I'll quote the declaration of independance:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
I equate it with the inauguration of a president.

I don't care. It's just another day off for government workers and a taxpayer paid party.
Oh, that's what's going on over there. I know my work canceled some meetings on Monday for our UK colleagues due to a "bank holiday" but I didn't know what it was all about. The British colleagues were tight lipped about it.
My family's name left that country some time before this country was founded, so... not particularly interested.

To each their own. If I lived over there, or had, or had friends there, maybe it'd rate as interesting to me.
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