Do Yourself A Favor

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Jul 2, 2003
No kidding, treat this as a public service announcement...and put aside any enthusiasm I have displayed...listen to the expert (no, not me)...for those who think GC is nothing special you really ought to read Terry Dyson's advance comments about the oil in the thread in the GC forum entitled "And the results are?" If you still aren't impressed that's OK but you need to at least give yourself the chance to understand it IS something special...not because of Elves or Gümmi bears or Green or Elixer, but because of technology...OK, yes it is Elvish technology, but you don't even have to think about that.

PS I don't even ask you to read my poem!

[ April 12, 2005, 09:36 PM: Message edited by: pscholte ]
no matter what, I just can't bring my self to use GC in my car when I think of the terrible knocking rattling noises the engine made with it at start, which even the cheapest dino didn't cause in my car, so I know it wasn't a mechanical thing. I know it's not scientific, etc., but abnormal noise/knocking is abnormal noise/knocking. GC's probably special in some ways, but there are other oils which probably perform better or equal in some engines, which can be found easier, and cheaper. They may not have their own forum, though

[ April 12, 2005, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: 97tbird ]
Is anyone worried that they will get 'hooked' on GC and then it will be dropped or optimized, that is be reformulated to better compete in the market place. Am I wrong in thinking that the big oil producers play games with labels and new formulas and the new oil might not be what I was getting in the past, maybe better maybe not. To get out of this, do I have to buy oil from a small operation like Amsoil, or Royal Purple or Red Line? The big companies produce synthetics that are not really synthetic, good oils but not what's on the label. Others keep improving their formulas, like Mobil 1, and I wonder what got improved, they won't tell. That's why I ask the question about GC. Are people really running all over town buying up all the magic green GC that has the right smell, that they can find because they fear it will not be there, tomorrow? Now that we have an idea that it's good, what's the future of GC.
tbird, you do make a good point. GC is not for every vehicle or engine. Some just won't be happy with it for whatever reason. I think everyone realizes that, but some tend to be a little forgetful.

Originally posted by sgtgeek:
I thought the GC worshipers had their own forum?

We do, sgtgeek, we you well know from having visited it. I guess I shouldn't try to do a favor for those who might not ordinarily visit that forum or for those who are new to the board?
After all, it is only some very important information for those who might appreciate having been given a heads up that it is there.

[ April 13, 2005, 02:58 PM: Message edited by: pscholte ]
There's no doubt GC is one of the top oils. I guess purchasing some all depends on individual use & driving habits. Lots of folks getting 300+K using Havoline dino at $1.29 qt. on sale. Other folks only want to crawl under their vehicles to change oil once a year... so spending $4.50 qt for a top-tier synthetic saves precious time & keeps the undersides of your fingernails lookin' purty.

Is GC the best?.... could be - but most folks still grab DINO oils at purchase time.

[ April 13, 2005, 04:15 PM: Message edited by: Triple_Se7en ]

Originally posted by Triple_Se7en:
There's no doubt GC is one of the top oils. I guess purchasing some all depends on individual use & driving habits. Lots of folks getting 300+K using Havoline dino at $1.29 qt. on sale. Other folks only want to crawl under their vehicles to change oil once a year... so spending $4.50 qt for a top-tier synthetic saves precious time & keeps the undersides of your fingernails lookin' purty.

Is GC the best?.... could be - but most folks still grab DINO oils at purchase time.

I see GC for $5.00+ a quart.

Originally posted by pscholte:


Originally posted by sgtgeek:
I thought the GC worshipers had their own forum?

We do, sgtgeek, we you well know from having visited it. I guess I shouldn't try to do a favor for those who might not ordinarily visit that forum or for those who are new to the board?
After all, it is only some very important information for those who might appreciate having been given a heads up that it is there.

Yes and there is some excellent info in the Detail and Wax section....mebbe I should post the info here to make everybody aware.....oh never mind.....just gets old....I beleive that is why there is a GC forum so we do not have to see every poem/song/prayer nor read every "new" data on the stuff before GC changes the formula or just flat out lies about what is in it again.....and yes I have 60 quarts of it now and when I need to go and discover any new info I go to that forum....
I don't want to prolong this so I'll make a point and then leave it alone. I NEVER visit the Detail and Wax Forum so if there were something posted there that you thought was so remarkable that it should be shared I would genuinely appreciate you cross referencing it. I would not want to see every little detail from that forum referred, but if it were as important as I thought Terry's posts are, I would want you to tell me. I also freely admit that there IS a certain feeling of vindication--because of all the shots taken at GC--in pointing out to people what Terry is saying about it. If I recall correctly this is my first cross reference to that Forum...I'm afraid I don't see the trespass...I'm done.
We had 60 donors to the oil study, and with the time lapse many were wanting some info on the results. This post was to try and make everyone aware of the situation and updates.

I finally have to admit defeat, I have 13 qts of GC in my shrine. If this oil turns out to be the ultimate, then I needed a few quarts. However, I could not buy it locally, had to have a BITOG member pick it up for me in another state and ship. So those who have it locally, you are fortunate.

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