Diesel Fuel Additive shows 5%+ Fuel Savings

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Nov 29, 2010
Milwaukee, WI
Test done on 100 of the Georgia Port Authorities jockey trucks and rubber tire gantry cranes shows an overall improvement of 5% in fuel efficiency and reductions in EPA criteria pollutants were more significant. Particulate matter reductions averaged as high as 71 percent, while nitrogen dioxide decreased as much as 20 percent and carbon monoxide decreased an average of 19 percent.

Test performed by the Terracon Research Company, diesel additive used was PowerKleen made by Hydrotex.

Pretty outstanding numbers.
Summary of report: http://www.gaports.com/corporate/tabid/379/xmmid/1097/xmid/4660/xmview/2/default.aspx

Full report in PDF (warning, large file, will take a while to load on a slow connection): http://www.gaports.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=p4_3gnBlRrY=&tabid=673&mid=2072
I'm may be wrong, but guessing it is Power Service Diesel Kleen. They claim a 8% gain from it.

If you ever stood in the Walmart additive isle or at a truck stop you've probably seen it. It is a Diesel additive. The 5% increase may be "amazing", but I doubt that with the cost of one bottle somewhere in the $5-$10 range you will save 5%.

Even with a 5% saving and Diesel at $3.50 a gallon that adds up to a savings of $0.175 - yes, 17 and a half cent per gallon. That means to make up the $5 cost you need to treat 28.5 gallons of fuel and 57 gallon at the $10 cost. Even at 8% (the manufacturers claim) you would need nearly 20 gallons before you get a cost benefit.

It a cetane booster, which I take it is a diesel octane-like booster.

That leaves the environmental factors as the main reason to use it. Unless, it treats like 500 gallons per bottle, which I couldn't verify.
If it's that stuff yea you see that everywhere..rather use stayadine diesel additive or Schaeffers DT 2000.
Originally Posted By: Letter_K
I'm may be wrong, but guessing it is Power Service Diesel Kleen. They claim a 8% gain from it.

If you ever stood in the Walmart additive isle or at a truck stop you've probably seen it. It is a Diesel additive. The 5% increase may be "amazing", but I doubt that with the cost of one bottle somewhere in the $5-$10 range you will save 5%.

Even with a 5% saving and Diesel at $3.50 a gallon that adds up to a savings of $0.175 - yes, 17 and a half cent per gallon. That means to make up the $5 cost you need to treat 28.5 gallons of fuel and 57 gallon at the $10 cost. Even at 8% (the manufacturers claim) you would need nearly 20 gallons before you get a cost benefit.

It a cetane booster, which I take it is a diesel octane-like booster.

That leaves the environmental factors as the main reason to use it. Unless, it treats like 500 gallons per bottle, which I couldn't verify.

No, that is absolutely not the stuff.

A quart of Hydrotex's PowerKleen treats 250 gallons for initial engine cleanup, then is recommended at a treat rate of 1:2200 for continued use. At 5% fuel savings its more than pays for itself.
Originally Posted By: APStore
A quart of Hydrotex's PowerKleen treats 250 gallons for initial engine cleanup, then is recommended at a treat rate of 1:2200 for continued use. At 5% fuel savings its more than pays for itself.

That depends on what this stuff costs. The only problem is that I haven't seen anything telling us what the retail cost is. So, what is the price per Qt?
Well the only place I see they sell it online is at [non-sponsor sales link removed]. Which they have it listed as $7.99 for a 12oz bottle. If you do the math thats about 95 gallons at a 1:250 treat rate. Or $.08 a gallon to treat.
But, the price for a quart is $12.91 from a local rep, the price for a case has to be even lower than that and so on and so forth. At the quart rate its $.05 a gallon to treat. So either way if you save 5% on fuel, which is $.17 a gallon, it saves you money.
(I was just taking what I paid for diesel today which was $3.31)
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Not bad at all. I may have to see if there are any distributors around here. It couldn't hurt to give it a try.

Locally, diesel is fluctuating between $3.169 and $3.509. As I own some over-the-road trucks, I also see worse. I certainly wouldn't complain about a 5% improvement in MPG...

P.S.: Nice contribution, BTW!
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Thanks. Someone passed it on to me, would be a shame not to share. However, the whole 65 page report was a bit much. Get a bit technical for me... maybe something to read on a rainy day. ha ha ha.
Originally Posted By: APStore
Thanks. Someone passed it on to me, would be a shame not to share. However, the whole 65 page report was a bit much. Get a bit technical for me... maybe something to read on a rainy day. ha ha ha.

I admit it, I'm a nerd. I just love 65-page reports...

I find many diesel engines will get the 'initial' improvement when they have been running nothing but dirty diesel for a long time.

So, I'm not impressed. No different than most other lubricity/cleaner type diesel additives.
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