Coffee - Your Current Brew

So I’ve upped my coffee game a lot more and bought myself a 1Zepresso JX Pro S. The Hario was a good intro to grinding but it isn’t consistent. The JX has a much more consistent grind and it’s faster and easier. I’m also amazed how grind affects the taste. I’m experimenting now.
Is that a manual grinder?

I’ve heard you get the most for your $$$ with regard to absolute best and most consistent grind quality with a hand grinder.

Recently I decided to up my coffee game from the cheap Mr. Coffee burr grinder I was using.

Did a lot of research, and had several people recommend a hand grinder like the ones made by 1Zpresso. In the end I decided I don’t want to hand-grind at 3:30 am when I get up for work.

Ended up with a Fellow Ode that I got on Amazon for half price.

Brewed twice with it so far. Tomorrow I’m off work so I’m going to do some pour-overs!

I stopped at a couple of indy coffeehouses in nashville on way home from work this week and picked up 2 different bags of beans.
Is that a manual grinder?

I’ve heard you get the most for your $$$ with regard to absolute best and most consistent grind quality with a hand grinder.

Recently I decided to up my coffee game from the cheap Mr. Coffee burr grinder I was using.

Did a lot of research, and had several people recommend a hand grinder like the ones made by 1Zpresso. In the end I decided I don’t want to hand-grind at 3:30 am when I get up for work.

Ended up with a Fellow Ode that I got on Amazon for half price.

Brewed twice with it so far. Tomorrow I’m off work so I’m going to do some pour-overs!

I stopped at a couple of indy coffeehouses in nashville on way home from work this week and picked up 2 different bags of beans.
I'm retired and there's no way I'm hand grinding for a full pot of drip every AM. You made a good choice.
I'm retired and there's no way I'm hand grinding for a full pot of drip every AM. You made a good choice.
Yeah, I leave for work between 0400-0430. I’m not hand-grinding that early!
Yah I know what you mean I'm retired but I have an electric grinder it takes all of ten seconds. Love my fresh ground Columbian Supremo!
Picked up a couple of bags of beans from 2 different Nashville independent coffee shops:

Being from Louisiana , I was raised on Dark Roast Community brand coffee . Family owned since 1919 . I'll drink whatever somebody sets in front of me but if I'm spending my money it'll be Community . I won't criticize anyone else's choice , I just know what I like .
Wish they made it more widely available in whole bean. I never see it in whole bean.
I don’t normally go for dark roast, but I was in Walmart the other day and i Noticed that the Peet’s Coffee Major Dickasons Blend actually had a roasted-on date.

That’s the first time I’ve seen a grocery store coffee that actually had the date it was roasted and not a “best by” date.

Sign that the coffee industry is starting to recognize that consumers are getting more educated about coffee, and demanding a fresher, more interesting product?

Something similar happened to the pizza business starting, oh, I dunno, 25 years ago or so, and you started to see more and more independent, non-chain pizza parlors open up, and the big chains (Pizza Hut, Dominos, Papa John’s, etc) started losing more and more business to them. Pretty much, nowadays, nobody I know orders from the big pizza chains anymore. If you do see it, it’s at work, when somebody just wants to buy a large quantity of edible pizza for everyone.

Anyway, I made some cold brew with the Peet’s. I don’t drink cold brew that much, but the wife will like it.

Might see how it does out of the French press.
Peet's Kenya Kilele: I'd just about given up on Peet's having received some mediocre beans with my previous two or three purchases. However, a friend suggested I try this and, while still a notch below my favorite Kentan coffee, it was still quite good and satisfying. While it's described as a dark roast, it's on the lighter side, and that was a nice discovery. The blend is not fruity or aromatic as some past Kenyans had been, and that's a big plus for me ... I don't care much for fruity coffee.